Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Mystical Order of Mystics .. and Dee's Thought Process on Captions!

At some point, all organizations will run out of good names to call themselves!

I sort of pulled this caption out of my ass, as I knew that I should post something on Sunday night, and so I just went to the pile of porn on the internet and just looked for a few minutes for something to inspire me. Here is my quick thought process while making it.

I found the picture and thought, "wow, this is very generic porn, other than the sunflowers in the background," and it is something I'd never typically use in a caption, so I decided, "hey, I'm going to use this in a caption!"

I placed it into a caption setting and started thinking about what to do with it, and then remembered the old "day in the barrel" joke that is quite old, and I've actually used it in a caption before, back in 2011 apparently .. and you can read it by clicking HERE. The gist is, a cabin boy gets on a pirate ship, and is told, "if you ever need to relieve your sexual tension, you can fuck the whole in this barrel on any day except Tuesdays. So at some point, he decides to try it out and he is aroused and gets off. Then, he finds out that Tuesdays are HIS day inside the barrel .. yeah, this is dirty humor that our great-grandparents found funny!

So, I did a modern day spin on that, and so I figured, some sort of magic gathering community of guys would be the ones to perpetuate the joke, and I had been listening to Oingo Boingo so I made a riff of their original name, The Mystical Knights of the Oingo Boingo and thought it was funny to repeat Mystic in their title .. and that whimsy was carried out and infused throughout the rest of the caption.

Then that cult from the 90's (Heaven's Gate) that wore Nike shoes and were going to hitch a ride on the comet came into mind, and as being a cult member isn't exactly profitable, the group offered professional website construction .. so my mind went to SEO as a way to get the Mystical Order of Mystics website more popular. Totally random, but yeah, I was just writing on the fly.

Lastly, I wrote the caption in a combination of ritual magic and technology "jargon" as both field have their own "code" of language and syntax that are uniquely their own in structure and feel.

Looking back, I wish I had space for one or two more sentences, as I more inferred that they all enjoyed being female porn stars more than a man, and decided to remain one for the pleasure and the power it held .. but oh well .. I do think this came out way better than it should have considered the whole method of creation.

So, there is the almost complete thought process that went on during the creation of this caption. Does that help get you more into my mindset for a few minutes or are you more confused than ever? Also, what did you think of the actual caption itself. Please comment below!


  1. Dee, your captions are getting a bit more naughty these days! I think that as a kink gets worked out, it gets sexier! Hee hee, but if your caps get naughty, I like it!

    1. Yeah, what I write is usually at least a bit naughty, but I try not to use explicit pictures that have no real "hook" in them. This time, I decided to lean into image, without writing the story as erotic this time. In a way, the writing does seem clinical, and more of an omnipotent narrator more than anything else.

      Glad you enjoyed it nonetheless, and good to see you back amongst us all again, making some new captions.

  2. By the way, Dee, since you know so much about classic rock, do you know of a band called Scorpions?

    1. Yes, I know the Scorpions very well. At least the 1980's version of them. I went as a youngster with my dad (who liked them more than I did) to the Monsters of Rock tour in 1988, which was Kingdom Come (they didn't play that day though) Metallica, Dokken, Scorpions, and Van Halen .. in that order. I was going more for Metallica and Van Halen, but it was a great show essentially anyway.

      Then a few months later, my dad took me to see the Scorpions as the headliner with Kingdom Come as the opening act. They were very good, but almost too polished, to the point where it felt like you were listening to the records.

      Fave songs by them .. The Zoo, No One Like You, pretty much the entire Love Drive album, Big City Nights, and Still Loving You.

    2. I use the Scorpions song "Humanity" (2007) when I teach my university classes! I know that it's a later song and not one of their classics, but I like the message and the theme. I think back fondly of the 1980s and all the good music. In fact, I try to teach my students what "real music" is, because they are growing up being corrupted by Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus and all that discombobulated bullshit that passes for music nowadays! I know that you agree with me about the music since you are so artistic and poetic, Dee! ^^

  3. I think this is a really fun cap Dee. I wouldn't have guessed it was made in such a 'on the fly' kind of way as it honestly feels cohesive and flows really well. I'll admit, I did think something was a little astray when I looked at the photo as its not something that just fits in your wheelhouse.

    Thanks for sharing your thought process!

    1. Well, I think it's relatively cohesive because even though I wrote out this blog post and my thought process, the caption was still written in about 7-8 minutes, once I chose the picture and placed it in the caption setting. If I don't write something completely in the same "session," that is when I can get disjointed. Also, while I didn't quite have a plot / plan of where the middle lay, I did have the beginning and the ending .. I'm not really sure now if I actually had a middle here LOL. Yeah, I just looked at it again and it doesn't!

      And yes, the image wasn't my usual choice, but as I mentioned above in a response to Karen, it sort of made me less likely to write something erotic, and it feels clinical and detached somewhat, but for the story itself, I think it worked well. The picture I did edit down somewhat, as I thought it looked visually appealing if I just focused on her and the flowers to center it. If I just zoomed in on her, the photo definitely would have lost its draw to me.
