Tuesday, August 6, 2024

We Can't Rewind, We've Gone Too Far .. Video Killed the Captioning Star!

Figured I'd try something different. C'mon inside and see what I cooked up.

Wanted to play around with AI a bit more, and so here's a multi-level project I tried. Is it entirely successful? Well, I guess I'm somewhat happy about what I made, but I'm sure you'll chirp in the comments down below.

So, as you know, AI is becoming "a thing" and it's hard to completely ignore. As such, I am trying to find some ways to co-exist with it, and right now, it's still definitely a work in progress.

I had the 'original' source material, which I am trying to remember if it was an AI generated image or an actual picture, but either way, I used a face swapping program to possibly put my teenage face, with some adjusted makeup that I blended in .. to make what you see at the top of this blog post. I've had a lot of fun using the website vidnoz to make these composite images, and perhaps you'll see a few more as time goes on. 

Then I read about a few sites that can take static images and turn them into a video, where you can make them say stuff .. provided of course that the image isn't naughty, and neither is what is being said. Hedra is the site they suggested, and what you are seeing above is the 2nd crack at me working with the tools given.

The story I wrote, which is basic as hell, because, you only get a certain number of letters to be spoken, and I was just messing around, figuring that it wouldn't be that good anyway. And I was half right. This one looked good, but since it cropped the photo .. the main purpose of the monologue wasn't being shown! I think it maps fairly well, all things considered. It will definitely get better, and since this is a beta try-out, I'm sure they'll use what I've created to make the model better for the next iteration.

And unfortunately, my 1st try wasn't nearly as well done. I mean, I love the accent I chose, but because the photo was slightly wonky, the right eyeball is ALSO wonky when it blinks.

This one is also a modified picture, but the original 'model' was definitely AI created. Maybe we can think of it as "Dee" having trouble getting used to the long fake eye lashes!

So what have we learned? Not much really, other than technology still has a way to go to give us exactly what we want, and with the big corporations limiting the naughty content .. everything in our little corner of the universe is going to be quite sanitized in the near future, which I think might be the most depressing thing, even more than AI itself. It's the limits that are being imposed that worry me the most.

So, I definitely want some discussion down below about this topic. Did you enjoy either of them, and what did you like, and not like, about the "live captions". Would you be interested in seeing more from time to time?


  1. Great use of AI Dee, and good… cap?
    I hadn’t seen that this, video from a still image, was available for general use yet. I think it’s funny that AI image/video generation is moving so fast that it’s leaving behind half done technologies. I still find it relatively easy to identify AI generated images, but evidently they are a thing of the past as its ‘good enough’.
    I used my first AI generated image for a story I’m writing over at CHYOA. I just had a specific desire for a model and couldn’t find a useable image online, so a couple iterations on one of the free AI generators got me something close enough.
    As for the adult content limitations, I’m sure that will go by the wayside at some point. Some adult content company will buy one of the AI generation products and offer it up for use to their users. Free with some limitations but paid with less restrictions. Let’s face it, as much as the general public wants to clutch their peals and worry about porn, adult content pushes technology. It did so in the early days of the internet, it did so in video compression, and it will do so with AI generated content.
    For now, AI generated anything is still in its infancy and I’m having trouble finding a use for it with the current limitations. I don’t trust it for fact finding, for writing, or even for information gathering. It’s image generation is a huge step above a drawing, but still hasn’t crossed the ‘reality’ barrier. Now it’s video generation is in the funny/uncanny-valley stage.

    1. I was actually shocked that it generated something that wasn't entirely sketch and ratchet, especially since I'm using a free and limited beta test version. If the 1st one hadn't cropped the image, I think I'd have been entirely fine with it, and I understand it was probably cropped because they are still focused on having the facial features line up with the expression and emoting what the actual words are being said .. and throwing body physics (the sway of the breasts while in that position) is something extra they aren't working on yet.

      And I think that how the prompts are crafted and image choice also has a part to play, but it is definitely going to be an interesting world going forward with this, and it might be hard to put the toothpaste back into the tube.

      As for the p0rn issues, I think it's going to be hard for any company to really do much with this technology for the average person, without possible legal ramifications. It's one thing to snag an online picture and use our imagination for some k!nky thoughts, but entirely another to take some random person's face, throw it onto an adult model's body and have it act out a script .. creating content that looks and feels real, and can be shared to the entire world in a digital format with a click of a button or two.

  2. Very nice little Lady and a sensual voice too. Well done.

    1. Which one did you like better? The British Dee or the Freshly Woken up Dee?

  3. Amazing result in the first one, the second might not be perfect, well maybe she's so exited the vibes interfered with the camera circuitry.
