Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Bit of a Shift At Work!

Hey, who doesn't want a bit of wish fulfillment when it comes to our place of employment?!?

Well, they say, dress for the job you want, not the job that you have, amirite?

Had a bit of a story in mind, so I went hunting for a good image that would work for what I had in mind. This is why I tend to look at images first, as I usually just let the picture tell me what the plot is, and  then I just sand off the edges and put it into caption format. I did a quick search on FEMDOM and then DOMINATRIX and went through a few folders .. and before I lost the spark of the story, I chose this one to work with.

I wasn't able to tie both the story and picture together until I got to Evan's wish, and at that point, I think it's too much exposition for the setup. Oh well. I did like the magical request though, and "grabbing the baton" bit was definitely inspired by the Olympics that I do not watch, though I am enjoying the whole "are they ridiculing the Last Supper or celebrating bacchanalia?" bit in the opening ceremony .. which of course, I did not watch. Other than finding Gojira performing with an opera singer while a headless Marie Antoinette was in the windows of the castle. That part was truly epic!

So which person would you prefer to be in this caption? I, of course, definitely lean into the Evaline role .. but your results may vary! Let me know in the comments.

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