Sunday, August 25, 2024

Gams, Pins, and .. Pipe Stems?

Noir movies and books had a weird way of talking about legs!

Yeah, I haven't been around. Had a medical issue where I did a good job of mangling the underside of my foot, and got a tetanus shot to boot. Hadn't been doing that much because I couldn't even get a shoe on .. now that I can get sneakers on, I can move a lot better (it feels better to have a shoe on than go barefoot as the shoes give support to the arches.) Anyway it's one of the reasons I've not posted recently.

Also, the Haven has been getting a lot of spammers, and junk email sign-ups. It doesn't take too long to get rid of them, but it's just sort of overwhelming that when I log on .. there's a bunch of Russi@n jackasses trying to seell illegal pharmacy crap and gambling sites. It really makes me disinterested in actually making captions.

So I need to break out of that, and start making some new stuff. I promise I will TRY to do that soon. I have a 4 day work week coming up, and at least one of those days, I should have some time to hunt down some images and make a few captions.

I also started dating an ER nurse, and I won't go into details, but having a schedule like that can be pretty fucked up, so I see her when I see her .. so when she's free, I tend to not be free.

Oh yeah .. the caption! It's pretty standard, and riffs on how some people, more likely women, will look at something and say of the color .. it's lavender maroon, while a guy will say, RED. I can certainly understand all the various "shades" that hosiery has, as there are only so many different ways to say beige or tan. But still, I wanted to put it into a caption format and play with how a male mind processes things versus a lady.

And this caption is for Lacysliplover. I haven't even posted it to the Haven yet. I have like 3 months worth of captions traded to me I haven't looked at or commented upon as of this writing. Well, I am going to dive into that as well .. sometime this week!


  1. Oh, Ron, turn it up... the neutral/nude shades of shoes helps with the illusion of a longer leg, it flows into the foot without the contrast of say a black pump....

    1. Well, that does make sense, but still .. I have never been a fan of tan/taupe anything except nylons LOL

  2. I now have a new appreciation for green. I am attracted to the un-tan . . . but let's not overlook the enticing smiles.

  3. Oh my goodness Dee, I’m sorry to hear about your problems.
    But meeting the nurse could be your silver lining hiding behind that dark cloud.
    Maybe you two could play sexy nurses together sometime.
    As for the caption i had to laugh because Kaaren was one of the only men who ever told me that he preferred the dress in taupe because it was so easy to accessorize.
    Hope you have a fast recovery and good luck with your new friend!

    Mrs. K

    1. Thanks! We'll see how it goes as I'm quite allergic to cats, and she had 3 of them .. so it might be a mostly, "C'mon over to Damien's house" type of relationship.

      I am glad the caption triggered a pleasant memory of Kaaren. As I posted above, I am definitely not a fan of taupe / tan anything, other than hosiery .. but it's wild that Kaaren liked the dress .. I guess whether you were wearing it or him, it did the job!
