Sunday, July 7, 2024

Masculinity .. Where the Sun Don't Shine! Hey! It's my 2,400th post!

Just a little quickie .. which is what he girlfriend found between his legs! *rimshot*

I remembered something that was going around a few months ago on social media and pop culture, with good old Tucker having a special where he once again was having a nutty about the war on masculinity, and one of the cures is to bathe your balls in UV light. Yeah .. even Kid Rock was like, "Ummm, what the hell are you talking about?" So take the medical claims with a huge grain of salt .. maybe even a pillar of salt. I touched (eww!) on this trend back in the middle of May with another caption if you'd like to look at that one too. You can find it HERE.

But when I saw the photo, I thought, "hmmmm, sounds like a good time to mine the gestalt of conservative thinking for a quickie," and whipped this up posthaste. You might say I went, "Balls Out!" Heh.

Was just setting this up to post, and noticed it's my 2,400th post here on my blog, spanning the past 14 years. Damn! I set this up mostly as a lark, because I wanted to discuss my captions in more depth, wanted to chat about the creation and behind the scenes look at a caption creator, and because Jennifer dared me to do it.

 I am glad she did too, as I've come to know many more people than just those on Rachel's Haven .. and some that came here first and then went to the Haven afterward. So this wasn't planned to be a milestone caption, but I think it does encapsulate the zeitgeist of Dee Mentia pretty well.

Here's a shout out to those who are no longer with us, but your presence with remain with me in my memories. And here's to those who might just be finding this place now. Let's hope I've got another 2,400 posts in me!


  1. I thought this was a joke, but looking there are studies, but it is visible-spectrum red, the far side of the spectrum from UV, and is being looked at in some university studies (I saw McGill) . I was think you were doing a Swift, with a Modest Proposal....

    1. There is some research that UV light, and sunlight in general, is good for us, especially when it comes to vitamin D .. there isn't really much to shining any sort of light on genitals themselves. I think Tucker was mostly just trolling people to get some publicity.

  2. Congratulations on your 2400th cap! Zoe

  3. Fun cap Dee. I hadn't heard about UVing ones balls to increase your masculinity, but it certainly sounds like something good 'ole Tuck would be pushing. Either him or Alex Jones! And I have to say, very sexy image used. It inspired me a couple different directions, but I can't find the original. Oh well!

    Finally, congratulations on the 2400 posts! I think I've barely broke 1000 posts in 10 years!

    1. Thanks Caitlyn! In those 1k posts you've made though, I bet we've used the same number of words! Yeah, the image was definitely the driver of the caption in every way.

  4. Congrats and thank you on 2400 caps!
