Wednesday, June 12, 2024

It's Just a Matter of PRIDE! Having Fun with AI!


If I'm going to hell, I'm taking all of you with me! Another blasphemous image inside!

Figured that we are about halfway through Pride Month, and why not kick things up a bit. Back on Good Friday, I was being saucy, and went onto AI and for a prompt, typed in "Jesus Christ as a fierce drag queen" and I was NOT disappointed in what it gave back to me.

I ended up with 2 wonderful images that I knew I had to use somehow, but I didn't think that Easter Sunday was the right time, plus I'm not sure if I already had something written up. And now was the right time!

And of course, I really didn't want to put TOO much effort into it, as God got to rest on the 7th day, so I mostly used the bible in the 1st caption, and edited down a great "song" from King Missile for the 2nd picture.

Feel free to save these, and distribute amongst your friends. You don't even need to credit me .. hell, I really don't want the attention, so post them anonymously! But do it quickly, as I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep the post up. Don't blame me .. it's all AI's fault!


  1. First, nice, weird, out-there, bizarre, fun, caps Dee!

    I came back to comment as you mentioned in your next post that this one was being looked over. I saw it, as I saw these on the Rachel's Haven discord and didn't comment. Not because they weren't comment worthy, but I just honestly normally step back from the whole religious topic. It's too personal for most people. That being said, I DO have opinions.

    To preface, I'm agnostic. I do not believe, nor do I disbelieve. That's an important distinguishment between agnostic and atheist. I believe that for some, religion is such a close personal defining characteristic that is mostly harmless to others that I don't want to insult them. Since I don't find really anything religious or anti-religious insulting, I don't have a good personal barometer.

    So, when I saw these caps, I smile, chuckle, and then move on. I find them humorous and harmless. BUT, I can see where someone would find them incredibly and personally insulting. That's the only reason I didn't comment earlier. Take that shield away and my comment would be that the AI actually did a pretty good job, keeping the religious iconography look while adding that modern 'drag' aesthetic. Add in your tongue in cheek text and it's perfect!

    One last word on touchy subjects... I tend to look at religion like I do race. The whole BBC thing or NBWO thing is something I can appreciate but tend to stay away from personally. I'll enjoy it in private, but I won't create it nor will I comment on it. I know, I know... combining Drag Jesus and BBCs is a surefire way to get the stink eye from Blogger... but hey, I wanted to offer my unvarnished opinion!

    1. I love it when you give unvarnished opinions. Sometimes I can be a shit-stirrer, most because it can be a lot of fun. Hell, one of my best friends will often just stop and have debates, where it doesn't matter if we even believe what we are saying .. it's just a blast to have a reasoned argument that can also be offensive as hell!

      And with the whole, "it was being overlooked" part of the next posting, it wasn't because there were no comments; the post itself wasn't being opened in the first place. I know that "hits" are down a lot since Blogger went and made it so that only signed in members can view adult oriented blogs .. but I've not had any posts be opened less than 1100 times, and the Drag Jesus one is still hovering around 388. I had an idea this would be provocative, but didn't quite think it'd be ignored LOL
