Sunday, June 9, 2024

Mom and Dad Have a Really Good Point!

Like I'd get my 18 year old son .. if I had one .. a really nice car!

Tricking a teenage boy into becoming a girl for a year (or more) is always a fun little caption to make, and having his parents be the conveyors of femininity is a bit of a joy as well. Truth be told, as a parent, it's always a bit of fun to fuck around with your offspring, especially if they are gullible. The day my daughter started giving it back to me was awesome, to be honest. I think having your kids learn sarcasm and irony and the rest is one of the best lessons I could have taught her.

And if I had the ability to give her the chance to be a boy for a year, she'd definitely have taken it. The guys she's been friends with have lasted much longer than any female she's ever hung around with. Those girls are so damn vicious! It's truly amazing how treacherous they are. 

Anyway, it was recently prom season, so I wanted to make one to celebrate this time of year, and when I found this image, I thought of the idea of the son being confused about what was going on, and the mother being hopeful that perhaps she'd get to keep her 'daughter' forever. Dad of course is being way more pragmatic .. getting a somewhat reliable ride and saving money while doing it.

Does that car just SCREAM masculinity? 1.6 liter 4 cylinder car that gets 27-33 MPG? zero to 60 with the automatic transmission (women can't drive a stick shift, right? LOL) is more than 10 seconds and the quarter mile is more than 18 seconds at 82 mph! That boy will be drag racing .. or racing in drag!

Hope you all had a great week .. and also, my daughter learned how to drive a standard before she even got her automobile license .. and if let me know what you'd like to see for the next caption!


  1. Loving this and the last one harkening back to classic TG tropes! And I wonder if that trip up to the lake might affect our hero(ine)'s decision to change back... Those magical trips to the lake typically have that effect in these stories.

    1. Well, there's a reason that we have some classic TG tropes .. they are enjoyable and can lead to so many different twists and turns.

      And I have no idea what those two are going to do down at the lake .. I am assuming they will do some night time fishing, and maybe watch the sun come up .. that's the best time to catch some snapper, from what I hear!

    2. Us TG OGs are some of the last ones still standing on classic tropes it seems. I miss the days of stories where a boy is forced to be a girl and just up out nowhere shows up to school/prom/other function as a girl.

  2. Wow... senior year... that will stop senioritis apathy! Senior year (as) abroad?

    It could really open your eyes.

    Gotta assume magic, too many of us had terminal testosterone poisoning by then to really be cute.

    You know, if it was a full year, 24/7, as a girl, looking at a 2009 Rio KBB value... she made about fifty cents an hour....

    ...and I can't drive stick. Never tried. Don't think I have been in a stick car in 30 years. But this "women can't do..." crap is ridiculous. They had a woman state legislator last week say women shouldn't have guns, safeties are too complicated
    for them. And that a Dem from one of the most liberal states (MN) . They are simple enough for men, but not women? SMH. argue as you wish in guns- do not say women are less capable intellectually. .

    I wonder how many don't change back? Did the girls change to men?

    1. I'm left-handed, so I had issues learning a stick, and while I can do it, I prefer not to drive a manual unless I really have to.

      I really didn't think out the scenario that far, so I have no idea honestly if it was a school type thing where it was offered to others, or more likely, just a magical parent or two that was trying to gift their son some responsibility!

  3. Enjoyed this very much and would like to see a follow up on what happened at the lake? Does she have sex and stay female or change back? Zoe

    1. Hmmmm, I really don't know. As I said before, they could be just going up there to fish! Maybe she can hold his rod, and bait his hook? Will she let him motorboat? Sometimes these things write themselves!

  4. This reminds me... a long time ago a fan who was a recent HS grad wrote to me asking for a custom cap. He had received a Mustang car as a gift from his uncle as a graduation present and wanted me to do a cap where he gets something girlier instead! I believe he even sent me a pic of him standing by the car. Can't remember if I capped it or not.

  5. Well, what if it were a pink jeep, or a white one? Would that make it all worth it?

    1. The way that car prices are now, you take any car you can get when you are 18!
