Tuesday, June 18, 2024

It's a Heatwave Out There, Isn't It? We Need to Chillax!

 Can we start celebrating the fourth of July NOW? PLEASE?!?

Nothing like celebrating a Juneteenth holiday in the middle of the week with one of the hottest single days on record for the date. I hope everyone out there reading this blog is staying cool and safe inside as much as possible .. make sure to wear a head covering and stay hydrated!

Here's something I wrote for KarenSue back in 2016 .. and if it wasn't for the 2 hour drive to Six Flags for me, I'd probably make my way up there to splash around and cool off. But I also know that the water pixie really doesn't start working her summer shift until the solstice begins on June 20th. Maybe I could get there this weekend? My daughter does have Sunday off!


  1. >make sure to wear a head covering

    But a wig is so HOT.... and not the good way

    1. Very true! I was thinking more of a sun bonnet or something like that.

    2. I should send you the Easter bonnet pic....LOL!
