Friday, June 21, 2024

Feelin' Kinda Randie!


This caption didn't quite go the way I thought it was going to go when I started!

I thought it was a good picture, and something worthy of being a caption, or at least a quickie, so I pasted it into a setting and went to work on it. Then I sort of froze with a, "ok, so I have that one line, where do I go from there?" situation. I had to sit back for a few minutes and rethink what I wanted.

And the motto on her shirt led me to "Who's Your Daddy?" and then I was off to the races with the 90's references that were out of time and humor back 10 years ago, never mind now. Now that I think about it, I'm wondering if something that happened the other day unconsciously influenced this caption. I was at a grocery store getting some watermelon and Ben & Jerry's for the heat wave .. when someone started quoting Borat of all things. "That's NIIICEEEE!"  and some other quotes from the movie, which came out in 2006 .. and it seems like it came out 25-30 years ago, as far as I'm concerned.

So the idea that they made the annoying dude much younger, hoping that they'd not have to hear the same stupid pop culture references over and over again, was the game plan, and lucking I stuck the landing. 

Hope you are staying cool in the heat. My work office currently has no AC, and we are hoping to get a board in tomorrow (I am writing this up on a Thursday) that will get it up and running again. I had two fans and a dehumidifier in there .. and since it's on a concrete slab, I was able to keep it around 78 degrees. Still not optimal, hell I'd love it to be around 66 in there, but at least I wasn't sweating too profusely.

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