Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Blowing SOMETHING Up My Own ..

I mean, how could I not write something fun when you see an image like this one!

And it's not like she won't be in a position to suck other people's cocks either!

This was a pretty quick caption to make, as the picture just brings the story right up front, if you know what I mean. I definitely didn't want to draw the premise out too much and run it into the ground. It's for Shauna Marie, so I wrote it to match some of her preferences, and she's an older member of the Haven, hence the age in the story. Plus it makes sense for the wish. I mean, we do have to have the caption grounded somewhat, even when we introduce fantastical elements to the plot. And since it's still Pride month, I wanted to include a little bit of alternative lifestyles into it, where she's definitely flexible in her sexuality.

Hope everyone enjoys it! I am not sure I will have a post for the rest of the week. I have a few captions made, but my time will be quite short through Sunday, and possibly from July 3-7 of next week. I'll see what I can do about writing up the others, so at the least, I'd be able to post them automatically. Fingers crossed.

Anyone have interesting vacation plans over the summer? I honestly thought about just booking a flight to anywhere today .. but I think most places are even hotter there than it is here!


  1. Time to really enjoy life the way it was meant to be! zoe

  2. Wow who wouldn't enjoy the flexibility the options all a bonus after the becoming one. Fun! Fun! Fun!

    1. I hadn't really made the connection of flexibility .. both motion wise, and sexuality and gender as well. Hmm, I would have played around with it more if that idea was around when I was making the caption!
