Sunday, April 7, 2024

Too Many Eclipse Conspiracies to Keep Track of!

Human Sacrifice, Dogs and Cats .. Living Together! Mass Hysteria!

Yeah, I wasn't feeling it this past week. But I had to lean into the upcoming solar eclipse that is happening on Monday, since it seems to be a big friggin' deal, especially in the corners of the internet where conspiracies pile up upon one another.

So, why not jump in line and make my own little TG conspiracy? Seemed like the thing to do, right? Try and catch the zeitgeist of a pop culture reference that will be outdated ummmm, 2 days or so after I post it?

That'll do the trick. So enjoy this caption .. while you can! Who's to say that THIS wont happen to you on Monday afternoon, if you happen to be in the path of the eclipse's totality, and there's a hot lady in your vicinity, and you are where the 2018 eclipse intersected this path .. and JFK shows up alive with Jesus Christ, yadda yadda yadda ..

Ahhhh, my short-lived punk-ska phase!


  1. Dee, Very cleaver and appropriate for the eclipse! Enjoyed it and thank you! Zoe
