Sunday, September 3, 2023

I Know What Boys Like .. I Know What Guys Want

I know what's on their minds .. Because I used to be one a few days ago.

This is an insta-caption for Fiona, as she commented on the last posting, and I liked her idea. I did futz with it a little, but mostly because I wanted a bit more of a dichotomy between the boy and the girl. The way I wrote it up, with the guys having to deal with a period in week two .. I liked that because it was a good way to match up guys randomly. Not head cheerleader swapping with the football QB, or geeks with popular girls, or boyfriend and girlfriend. Just a "well we will change you with BLANK because next week, she's on the rag." Otherwise, you've got a 50/40 chance that the guys will miss it.

I'd like to think that the new guys will get a case of the blue-balls too, but I'm not sure if that part is advertised! Maybe at the very least, they are going to have some public displays of inappropriate boners!

So, do I all have your vote for the role of US Secretary of Education? I've always wanted to be a secretary!


  1. Very nice caption. Sure does open up a whole new sweet world. Love the mother father swapt too and encouraging it.

    1. I wanted something to tie it all together, and I thought that worked nicely.

  2. ...boys like me?

    I certainly have no objection to letting them experience that most feminine of times, and I note you have them in shifts so as to give the girls a little relief... but the staggering means they will get more opportunity to have to deal with boys, both their unchanged senior friends, the girls in boys bodies, and the other boy students who have not changed... that could be interesting. An old friend might hit on you? Or one of the new girls hits on a senior boy who is still in his body...

    ...and I do seem to have teenage girl attitude already...

    ..compelled to act like her - towards the boys too? will she have memories she would rather forget ;ater?

    1. I thought it'd be more fun to have them all shift .. in shifts. Thought it'd give them all a much different outlook if they weren't all "in the same boat at the same time." So, Fiona's best friends might not have gone through it yet, or already been through it, and *he'd* learn more that way. I'm not sure if/when others find out when they change, as that might be unfair in certain instances.

      And the compelled to act like her part was there so that the surrogate host's life isn't messed up in any way. A la a bookworm girl all of a sudden isn't going to show up drunk at a college kegger and get naked and pass out .. unless that is what she was like beforehand.

      Yeah, it does seem like I put a bit more effort into it that just a quickie, eh?

    2. Ah. I was thinking he has to live his life in her body - it seems his mom is driving them (she calls the girl a cutie patootie) And that one would be expected to be responsible while you are a guest in a body - no tattoos, etc. And you can't DIS her boyfriend, but you don't have to DATE him either.

      I wonder how many of the former girls go look up the boys in their bodies. Even without sex, just to get to know them.... I think I would want him to. (plus, freshman girls may not be legal)
