Thursday, August 31, 2023

We've Got Spirit, Yes We DO!

With a facial expression like that, we know that he's committed to excellence!

Definitely coming at you with the "Bitch, PLEASE!" I knew I had to make something with the image, and I just put it in a caption setting and went to town. Not sure what else to write as I'm getting ready for a 4 day long weekend, and it pretty much explains itself. Other than maybe it should be known that he was the team's QB.

Figured it'd be good to post something that was in the vein of Back to School, and then beginning of football season. I can't imagine anyone turning down the chance to read a cheerleader caption either.

I know I should have posted a pregnancy caption, since it's Labor Day Weekend, but I don't have any new ones. Maybe I'll do a flashback post this weekend if I'm around at all. Catch up with you all later!

If you had 4 days where you could do anything in regards to TG stuff, what would you do? You can use magic or whatever, so the sky's the limit! Tell us in the comments!


  1. Actually one that I think would do a lot of good for people in general... swap the incoming senior class of a high school for a few days. I'd actually prefer it while class was in session, so they have to interact, not be recluses. Let everyone see what the other side is like. Use a few juniors if you need to even off the numbers. (if you have, say, 100 girls and 95 boys, pick 5 junior boys) .

    1. I took your idea and made an insta-caption, though I changed around a few things. I will try to post it on Sunday or Monday. And since you came up with the idea, you get to star in it!

    2. Thank you! I'm so flattered!

  2. of course absolutely love he's gonna decide to stay swapped
