Saturday, July 15, 2023

But Not a Real Fur Coat, That's Cruel!

I think this might be the second caption that I've made from a certain Barenaked Ladies song!

Made this as a blog exclusive at first, but thought it'd be better if I had a target for it, so I went to the Haven's discord server and asked around to see if anyone wanted to star in it, as long as they didn't mind being the "@sshole" of the story. Sure enough, Vypress said she'd love to be the victim, I mean, protagonist.

SO we had a star, and here's the blurb I posted to go along with it up in the "Caption-sharing" channel .. 

"Was just going through pictures online as I am wont to do from time-to-time and came across a bunch of big-hair ladies. When I saw this image .. I thought of a Bare Naked Ladies song, "If I had a million dollars" which has a line, "I'd buy you a fur coat .. but not a real fur coat, that's cruel." and it rolled around in my head a bit until this came about. Thanks to Vypress for volunteering to be the protagonist / victim! Now if I win Powerball tonight, maybe I'll buy you all a green dress!"

That pretty much wraps it all into a tiny bow, or maybe a much larger hair bow considering the height and depth of Jake's extensions. What sayeth you about the caption? 


  1. BMW=Badass Man womanizer? Maybe not...

    OOh... the female of the species is deadlier than the male.....

    Well, he's not a MILF, really, as Jacqueline can't bear children... and Jake, well, we couldn't let that dermabrasion and nice smooth skin go to waste, right? So we sort of pruned some berries....

    BMW=Balless Man Womanized.

    1. Well, 'appearing to be a MILF', which does apply here, though "cougar" probably fits him better as he's still cruising in the BMW. Maybe he does lose his orchids .. as we can't see below the steering wheel!
