Saturday, January 29, 2022

Fulfill Your Big Tits Destiny!

I think I've done a caption like this before .. hard not to when you've made 2500 plus! And snow report!

We are getting a snowmageddeon right now here in Southern New England. 2.5 inches per hour as I'm typing this around 2 PM, and there's been wind gusts of 95+ mph down more near Cape Cod. It's BRUTAL out there. I am about to head out and see what damage there is so far. The good news is that perhaps all the snow will be blown away from the vehicles. The bad news is that perhaps the wind will blow the 2+ feet of snow projected to fall will all end up burying the cars! Eek! (UPDATE: this is right before I am publishing this .. the cars aren't covered with much snow BUT there's about 4-6 feet of snow that had drifted into the parking lot. I have NO idea how the hell I'm going to get out of my place before Monday at the slightest!)

Anyway, I'm hoping the rest of you are enjoying much warmer, less precipitous weather. This caption will hopefully warm us blizzard wizards with a fun bit of humor and big tits. I love the interplay between the two friends, and how quickly it goes from playful teasing to full blown .. blowing and so much more!

Are there many of you out there that like the embarrassing / humiliating aspect to TG like we see here in this caption? I don't do that much with it, because I didn't think there was much of a demand, to be honest. If it's something you wish to see more of, please let me know, and what sort of situations get you going. I'm not too proud to ask for some recommendations. Maybe we can get the hive mind moving forward to some topics I haven't yet covered, or have just touched in more of a surface manner.

My plan is to head outside around 4 PM, when it's supposed to be more like 1/2 inch an hour and see what I can do to try to give myself less shoveling work on Sunday. I will need to dress warmly, as I don't want my nipples looking like hers. Or DO I? LOL Well, it'll feel like -5 at 4 PM, so I'm still going to dress warmly, and not show off TOO much cleavage!

Hard to believe that no one in Metallica had thought about doing this song live when they played Antartica!

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