Illusions Are All Relative .. Aren't They? September 29, 2019 4 Can you tell that I've been watching a lot of Penn and Teller .. FOOL US?!?
Figuring Out The Whole Gender Change Thing .. In Bed! September 26, 2019 6 Isn't that how you read a fortune cookie? How about a fortunate cookie caption of wisdom?
Something From My Chemical Imbalance .. I Mean, Romance! September 24, 2019 5 Something From My Chemical Imbalance .. I Mean, Romance!
Don't Get TOO Addicted to Lottery Scratch Tickets! September 22, 2019 4 Sometimes we wonder why gambling can be so addictive! It's so easy to get hooked!
With a Swish to the Left! ... And a Moan to the Right? September 19, 2019 6 How long can he possibly last? And does it really matter? Who could resist?
Ron Gets Benched, or Does Lacy Win the Day! September 17, 2019 5 Yeah, it's been awhile, but look here! We've got ourselves a bona fide BENCH CAPTION!
You Can Be So Much More Than Just A Flesh Puppet! September 15, 2019 2 Yeah, it's a weird title for a caption! Hope you'll come inside and see why I named it that!
This Is Quite the Sordid Neighborhood, Isn't It? September 13, 2019 0 I didn't want it to be TOO confusing, but I think it should be mapped out enough to follow!
Why Not Take a Vanity Cruise Where Nobody Would Bother You? September 11, 2019 9 Sometimes you wanna go .. Where everybody knows your (feminine) name!
An Office Dress Code Survey .. Mandatory Only If You Fill It Out! September 09, 2019 4 I'm actually at a loss for words right now! You'll have to take my word for it!
A Delayed Revenge .. or is it? And Happy Birthday! September 07, 2019 5 Payback's a bitch, and so is Dee! And when's she's finally done, so is Michael!
New Kitchen, Same Old Husband! September 05, 2019 2 I love it when a caption takes me less than 15 minutes to complete! And it doesn't suck either!
She's So Excited .. with a Rainbow of Options! Part 1 (of 1 so far!) September 03, 2019 4 Yeah, I struck out on the title, but hopefully people will read the caption anyway.
Have You Heard the News About the Stepford Step Class? September 01, 2019 2 It's all the rage! You can get a whole new shape in just weeks!