Thursday, September 7, 2017

3 Belmont Brothers ... or Was It 3 Belmont Sisters? Only Mom Knows For Sure!

And that's why you should your mom more often than to bring home dirty laundry!

Yes, I actually know a single guy who's in his 40's and he visits his parents every other weekend or so and brings his dirty clothing so his mother can wash them. This isn't a small trip either. It's about 200 miles round trip. He even brings his girlfriend over with him, as they tend to spend a weekend there once a month. I cannot fathom how much he must hate laundry mats to go through this situation every 14 days or so. I am sure at some point his mom must be like, "when are you going to do your own clothes? Age 50? God forbid I pass away? Will you just buy clothing at Salvation Army, and return them when it's dirty, then buy them again the next week once they are washed again?"

Anyway, made this the other day for Isabella Belmont. Not often that you see 3 brothers in a TG caption, other than Annabelle's Family Traditions blog, and I had this picture that I thought would work well as a POV. I mean, the implications with siblings is that you'll look at least somewhat like one of the models in the picture, so you don't have to implicitly see yourself in the caption.

As per what I wrote in in the original posting:
Somehow I think Mother has something to do with the changes. Wonder if she was sick of all the testosterone around the house.
Hmmmmm, where's Dad? I'm guessing either Zumba class or learning how to sew!
Hope you do enjoy this little experiment.
I do get the feeling that Mother Dearest worked out the kinks in her recipes on her husband first. Then it was easier to make the older brothers into better role models for her youngest child. The original issue had to be with Dad though, and Mom bade her time well to make sure the problem was taken care of as best as could be handled.

Hope you could follow it since there were 3 people talking. Isabella's male character is in white, and her brothers (now sisters) are the orange and blue text. Isabella is the youngest of the 3 boys, with the older two away at college. Isabella was still living at home, though I'm not really sure if he had graduated by then or was going to be a senior or something like that.

Tonight is the start of the NFL regular season, and my beloved Patriots are hosting the first game, and the commissioner tonight. Don't plan to be online tonight, but I did want to post this. Hope you enjoy, and I'll see you over the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Boys, girls, it can get confusing with Dee around. It definitely sounds like someone's days in pants are numbered. They seem to be wearing hose which would be a hook to get me to stay.
