Tuesday, December 1, 2015

What Is This? Some Sort of Funhouse? ... Plus DIY Results!

Why, are you having fun?

Well, here is yet another blog exclusive, composed of about 70 percent Willie Wonka quotations. If you are wondering, the white text is the girl, the blue text is her date, and the pink text is either the walls of the funhouse, or perhaps a tour guide if you don't want to believe that walls can talk.

Nothing much to say, other than I wanted to use the picture and wish it was a bit better quality I guess it could give the caption a bit of a hazy, mystical feeling, but I'd much rather it be sharp and angular.

It's December now! Is it just me or did this year seem to go by REALLY damn fast? With this post, I'll have posted more in 2015 than in any other year, beating out last year by whatever else I post this month. Apparently I still have shit to say and a viable venue to dish out said crapola!

And now onward to the results of the DIY Challenge, in no particular order (I think!) and without much comment .. as that is YOUR job, oh readers of my humble blog! We had SIX this month!

First up is Amanda, who has her own blog which is in the left column for those who wish to visit. I think this might be the first submission for a DIY Challenge here. Welcome Amanda!

Then Ian sent his to me as well, and look! It isn't THAT wordy! Looks Good Ian. and there is no way I could do a split like that!

Next up is Helena. How can people so clean and fresh from the shower be so dirty? Well, if anyone can figure it out, it's Helena!

And speaking of cleaning up (damn, what a sweet segue that was!) we have a caption here from Brittany that is going to make our house spotless and spanky clean!

And lastly, we have both a sour and sweet treat from Dawn (Commentator) Should we assume that she had some libations out with friends over Thanksgiving weekend?

Great job everyone! Now we have at least TWO options for the DIY Challenge each month, where we can have a common picture or a common phrasing to use. I think it is great to see how people interpret that commonality and bend it creatively to their own needs.

So, this leads to the next question ... should I post a DIY Challenge for December really quickly and have it end a week before Christmas? Or start it at it's usual time and have the deadline at the end of the month, which would be around New Year's Eve? Should we HAVE one for December?

I am not sure which way to go with it, and figure that if a few people make their opinions known, I can craft it around their time frame. I know the end of the month can be REALLY busy .. and the last thing I want to do is invest some time and have no one able to do something do to lack of time .. on the same hand, I don't want to start it early and have it run almost the entire month where people can certainly forget about it too.

So, head on down to the comment section, and let's talk about my caption, everyone's DIY  caption submissions, and what to do about this month's DIY Challenge.

She's one of my favorite singers of the last 20 years. So talented and such a great voice. Plus she can still sing while hanging from trapezes and all sorts of other things that leave singers winded .. and usually lip sync while doing things like that. Nope, Pink does it LIVE!

Youtube won't let me link it, but watch the official Grammy version on Youtube. This should be the link you want. https://youtu.be/3stsDXki__U


  1. What a confusing caption, it makes perfect sense,
    love the D I Ys i think this one was a little easier than some others but like the range of predicaments for the guys.
    i do hate to pick one caption over another but Dawn 1 really for the story and karma.
    I do not really have a preference for the diy timing I've blown the cobwebs of my diary and find i am billy no mates at present :( depends if its Christmas or new year themed but would you go in such an obvious direction?
    i fear a photo of a woman in zero g to include the phrase that's no lady that's my horse !
    Not very helpful am i.
    p s my first caption draft was a lot longer
    p p s believe it or not back in the day when i did martial arts i could do a full front split and almost a full side split like Kendra there I think i would have to work up to that now CREAK !

  2. Glad you enjoyed my DIY Ian and you really shouldn't throw a challenge out there like that. Dee knows just how much I love a challenge (ask her about the hamburger head).. Zero G and 'that's not a woman, that's my horse' sounds like a winner to me. Coming to a blog near you soon (like Friday) an Ian inspired cap.

    1. Thanks Dawn I well look forward to seeing the caption, i did try and think of one as well just in case !
      but did not get very far.
      Dee. What about the Hamburger head ?

    2. Ian, it was a picture of a girl wearing a Mayor McCheese head (from McDonald's in the 1970's character) that I had languishing for a caption, and Dawn took it and made one for me with it.

      I will try to include it in a post at some point. I thought I had before here but maybe it wasn't. Too many posts to look through now!

  3. Love P!NK, thanks for showing these. Really like th wembly not dead tour Get this party started.
    Maybe here. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xx0zyr_pink-get-the-party-started-live-i-m-not-dead-tour-dvd-youtube_music

  4. Love your cap and the DIYs. It shows that a phrase can get a lot of differen caps as well.
    For me the lack of a picture made it harder, as finding the right picture can be the hardest part for me when I have an idea, but no picture.

    Well, the DIY challenge is your show, so you should do it at your convenience.It may be nice if the challenge represents the time of the year, but that is up to you as well.
