Sunday, November 17, 2024

Home Sweet Home .. for Ron AND Lacy?

Well, look at that. Dee made a trading caption! Will wonders never cease?

My car threw a check engine light today, so my plans were dashed .. and I figured, perhaps it's a sign that need to make some captions. I wanted to make something for LacySlipLover, so I went online and let the images wash over me, trying to stimulate my captioning senses.

I found a few photos that worked, and I ended up with a bit of a theme for the two captions I created today .. that of "things are the same, yet different". You'll see, probably in the next post, that even the poses are almost the same, but the vibe is not the same.

For Lacy, she likes to have a loving situation, one of acceptance .. so this is what I leaned into on this caption. In case you didn't get the inference, the Mistress and the wife are the same person. So it's to show that while Ron and Lacy can exist in the same body, his wife can also take on different personas. 

It is something I've struggled over the years to figure out. I've thought that whoever I am is pretty much who I am .. all the time. And it was hard, believe it or not, to let my imagination take over when I'm in real life, and I've not been one to give up control very much, especially when it comes to sexual adventures. In general, I tend to attract submissive women romantically, and I hate to say it .. its how I tend to view them in everyday life as well, and in bed. Not beneath me or anything, but that I'm there to protect them, and support their needs, etc .. And I guess that if I do show weakness, they aren't going to think the same of me.

Maybe I am insecure, but perhaps it's just a quirk that I am trying to correct, even though I am now in my 40's. At least I hope it's a quirk. I really want to find love again after losing my forever person; and if not that, perhaps a meaningful physical connection .. and I'm being open that perhaps I need to adapt and go with the flow more. That need for control has led me to just put definitions and rules to what I am looking for, and it seems silly on an intellectual level. Is it something ingrained in me, or just Damien being stubborn .. or hang ups because even though I'm an adult .. I really don't have a good sense of self.

Yeah, I know this is fairly deep for a post about TG captions, but it does go to something often seen in this community .. which is the reality? My existence on this planet has mostly be one of adapting to my surroundings as best I can so I can survive. I'm starting to wonder if that is actually what I am .. a person that just goes with whatever way things are flowing, instead of being the person that I really am, which at this point, I really have no idea what defines me. Am I just an expansive yet shallow pool, or do I have any actual substance, even if it's the radius of a bucket?

Well, I hope you enjoy the caption anyway .. and that perhaps I've made you think? Do comment below, and perhaps there'll be some good conversation to be had there!

Leave it to Iggy Pop to cut through the bullshit. You're wearing a mask, which mask are you?


  1. I feel like you had some ‘Caitlyn’ bait in that song choice Dee. Seriously though, very nice cap. I normally like darker, more ‘forced’, caps but this suits me fine.

    As for the differing personas, I think there are a couple types of people. Those that firm up their sense of self. They become more normalized in any situation. Their ‘blue’ jokes start to come out in inappropriate areas and their political/religious beliefs are shared more freely. “I’m me and I don’t care who knows it!” And then the other type figures out how to be themselves but mixes it up for the situation. There’s “On the job Dee” and “At the family holiday Dee” and “In the bed dominant Dee”.

    My brother is the former where I’m the latter. I found it difficult to let my “On the job Calvin” be different than my “Out socially Calvin” especially as a nurse manager. Even in my friendship relationships, My “Calvin with John” is different than my “Calvin with Jennifer” and my “Calvin with Adrian”.

    I guess when I’m thinking of your situation, I think you might better find happiness if you accepted that you can be different around different people while still retaining your sense of self. Maybe meeting a woman who is a strong equal partner, or even a dominant herself, in bed could be a world changing revelation.

    1. Hmmm, I wouldn't call it Caitlyn bait .. maybe the Caitlyn signal?? LOL

      Well, I have a core sense of who I am and how I'm presented out and about with most people. I'm edgy and boisterous, and often a devil's advocate type, but also fiercely loyal and supportive of my brood. It's often the level of how much I let that out depends on the crowd. I'm also sort of an introvert and probably slightly insecure which is often why I am edgy and boisterous LOL

      My forever person was strong, but in very different ways than I am, and I was able to defend her and lift her up when overs went after her emotionally or any other way. She was the quiet that mellowed out my storms as well, as well as being a gentle soul, and I think we maybe had 2 arguments in the entire time we were together .. and those were both early on in the relationship and involved money.

      And perhaps I will find a dominant woman in bed at some point to date, and maybe I'd enjoy it. It'd definitely be a different thing for me to experience. Not sure if her being dominant in any other way could preclude me from being in a relationship with her though. I'd really have to learn how to give up some control. I really do need to mellow out more!

  2. I love receiving captions from Dee. I was so delighted and honored to be one of the first she has posted on the Haven in a bit. Many thanks Dee, I loved the idea of my wife buying me some sexy lingerie and me waiting to try it all on. Good luck with the car and get back out there. Times have changed and some people are more accepting of others as long as you are careful. I wish you all the best and hope to see you posted more captions on the Haven.

