Sunday, November 10, 2024

Goddess Bless All Those Who've Served in the Military (+1)

For those about to rock .. we salute you!

A repost from November 2013 & 2014 for the 2 different captions. If you haven't seen it before, it's new to you!

My grandfather served in WWII and Korea. My cousin served in Iraq and my dad's girlfriend's only child (a daughter) was in the navy, stationed in the Persian Gulf. They all came home "safely" and I use the quotes because all of them suffered in some way. My cousin deals with PTSD and it wrecked his marriage. My grandfather refused to talk about either war. He had his medals up on the wall along with a painting a friend of his had painted of him back when he was in the Navy but wouldn't even tell us what the medals were for.

I'm a pacifist by nature, and one who always questions authority at the slightest provocation. I'd be a horrible soldier and I know it. My grandfather knew it too when I told him that flag burning wasn't a big deal because it was a visual representation of something intangible. You cannot destroy freedom by tearing down physical things ... and you cannot repay a veteran with food, drinks, and a day or two a year to honor them. You repay them with respect and honor everyday, and by being the most YOU that you can be, because they fought for my right to be a whatever sort of American I want to be.

 Whether that is driving a truck in garters and heels, or swishing your way down the street a Rainbow Parade ... Let your freak flag fly soldiers!

Raise your fist and yell .. Freedom to Rock, Freedom to Talk .. Freedom!


  1. Hi Dee. Thanks for todays dedication to us veterans. I'm a Vet, tho I don't march in any parades, (tho I really have a yearning to march in a rainbow parade). I'm thankful for being able to live how I do and I hope that the freedoms that some veterens have died to protect will continue on. Thanks again.

    1. No problem Rhonda! Thanks for your service .. and maybe you'll get into a Rainbow Parade at some point!
