Wednesday, March 27, 2024

In Your Dreams! Well, Maybe Not His Old Dreams!

Wanted to post something for today, and whipped this up on the spot.

I am in the week of when my forever person passed away four years ago, so it's been a tough slog through this time of year. And Easter is this weekend, so it has a bit of a holiday feel too which is also depressing.

So I made a caption, and here it is! Nothing profound, but I think I related things together enough that it's not bad. Just not a lot to say about it, nor much for me to want to say in this post.

I hope everyone is having a great week, and I'm still around, here on this blog, on the Haven, and on the Haven discord channel too. Please do drop in and say hi in the comments. Let me know how you are doing, and if you're someone that used to swing by more often, let me know you dropped in!

Well, you can't say I didn't give you any happy dreams .. or at least music about dreams!


  1. I wish you what peace you can find on this sad anniversary. I wish I could give you more, but.....

