Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Won't You Let Me Take You on a .. Sea Cruise!

When you want something more than just a wet dream!

Was just wandering around the interwebz looking for some images to inspire me, and I saw some bikini pictures that looked promising. The Love Boat came to mind, and I have friends that go on Disney Cruises every year, and they just came back 2 weeks ago. They'd booked it way far in advance, and even though some financial and personal issues came up, they weren't able to cancel / reschedule; so they were somewhat miserable while on vacation.

That led me to what the caption is providing .. A best friend is seeing the protagonist's girlfriend on the side, and causes their breakup. Our "hero" can't get a refund, so he decides to make the best of it, AND get his revenge at the same time. Seems like a win-win to me.

To be honest, the idea was sort of drifting around on the listless seas until I thought, " I am going to get magic involved, so why not make it an actual Disney Cruise?" and then "Bibbidy Bobbidy Boobs" came into my brain, and I KNEW I had to use that. Having it be a House of Mouse cruise also helped me wrap it up. "Why didn't his best friend change until he went in the pool?" Well, that was the magical trigger that turned him into Ariel!

It came out better than I thought it would when I started, and that is always a good thing. Sometimes the ideas get away from me as I write them up, and sometimes, the momentum in writing guides it to a better ending.

And that reminds me, I could really use a vacation. I am going to try to see if I can find a friend to get away for a bit. Not sure who gets to be, "Ariel" but either way, I think we'll have a good time!


  1. Dee, enjoy your vacation and have at least as much fun as Ariel ;)

    1. Thanks! It probably won't be until June at the earliest, but I'll take one whenever I can get it!
