Sunday, February 11, 2024

A Differing Point of View, So to Speak!

Just a bit of a quickie for those of you who are going to watch the Superb Owl!

Was looking to make a caption, so I dialed up the local porn feed, and this came my way, and I thought, "Hmmm, maybe if I trim this photo, I can work with it in a caption setting." Then, the "trim" part made me chuckle, and I went with it for this quickie, knowing that I could just put the thoughts on the floor.

I realize that if you read this caption out of context, like if it was just posted on a twitter feed, you'd not know necessarily that it was a TG caption .. but it's posted here, so you know I just left out the backstory, and, "passed the savings on to you!"

And it does sort of tie into a convo I had recently with a female friend of mine, who told me the other day that she needed to weed whack down there because it was like a jungle in her panties. So I got the before and after shots .. and the deforestation went pretty well, all things considered! I really do wish we lived closer, as we don't meet up nearly enough .. but we do scratch each others itch now and again. Now it's time for me to buzz the under-carriage and head out to the bars. Perhaps I can find someone to take care of my nether regions too!

I think this song fits the caption fairly well. I only know the "famous" songs of Human League, but once torrentz became fashionable, I was able to snag a bunch of albums of them, and they have a lot of good songs!


  1. Usually when my friends send me a picture of what they are about to eat, it's a plate of food at a restaurant....
