Monday, November 20, 2023

Is It Weird? .. And Sorry I've Not Been Around

Here's a new caption for everyone. Hope that everyone has been well.

I've had quite a week, and I wanted to post something to let people know that I'm ok, but there's a few things that are keeping me from having much of a presence online at the moment .. at least in this realm of my digital existence. I want you to know that I'm not "Actively" trying to ignore people on the Haven or here in this blog.

Sometimes, things come up and the focus needs to shift a bit. I'm in the middle of that right now. I am safe and sound, in case anyone was wondering. Relatively healthy too, other than another sinus infection. I am so thankful for everyone that drops in, and has become a good friend, or even a bit of an acquaintance here. I cherish you all.

Hopefully I will be back with some more new posts soon. I didn't plan on being away for almost 10 days, but as each day piled up, I was no closed to posting until I made myself do something tonight so .. people wouldn't worry. Fingers are crossed that I'll have something to post towards the weekend, and maybe after that, back to the regular schedule through to Christmas. Hell, I haven't even made ONE Black Friday, Xmas or Thanksgiving caption, so you know that I've not been active lately.


  1. Honey, take care of you right now. We will be here when you are ready to come back. We appreciate the update. Have a good Thanksgiving

    1. Thanks. The same to you and all your loved ones!

  2. Glad to hear you're doing okay. Without regular posting I was beginning to worry! Oh, and very nice caption!

    1. Glad you liked it, C! Hopefully back to "normal" for me .. whatever that is!

  3. Agree with other responses, take care of yourself and Happy Thanksgiving! Zoe

    1. Thanks to you for your support here on my blog. Happy Turkey day to you!
