Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Unleashed the Sooound .. of Science!

If only Blake could flip his wig, once he put it on!

Wanted to make a caption, as I hadn't posted to this blog in a number of days. Went to the interwebz and started wandering around, looking for something work with. The positioning of her hair, whether real or not, and the musculature of her arms and tautness of her abdomen, made me think of the basic plot.

As I started writing, I was still trying to get "the hook" which would make the caption more cohesive .. something many of my best captions have. Once I started writing the part about the wig, and the sounds being made, that made itself known as the thread that would tie everything together. I'd start with sounds .. something that isn't usually a big part of captions .. then shift to another sense, this time vision, which tied in the mirror pose so Blake could have a focus on something other than auditory, and then bring it back with the concluding audio-vibratory feeling that pulsated through the groin.

At first, I was going to go with a deflating sound, but that was a bit harder to define in a small amount of text AND I thought it gave a good twist if Blake was to become a futa woman. Well, she doesn't HAVE to be one, but you can certainly think so if you are inclined. Works either way. A larger johnson AND tits like that? Along with a glorious hairline and lots of shiny locks? SIGN me UP!

Why was he putting on a wig anyway? Damned if I know! Maybe it was a dare, or was getting ready for a Halloween party? Why don't you tell ME why Blake was putting on a wig down below?


  1. mmmm... I was thinking an aging rocker, hair band type, who didn't have his OWN long locks but had to keep up appearances... now being demoted to groupie.... but that wouldn't need the inflation...

    1. So like some members of KISS .. that would definitely be something Gene wouldn't have signed up for!
