Wednesday, June 28, 2023

A Supersized Vacation on the Beach!

You do realize that TG captions tend to ignore the whole mass-displacement rules, right?

I think that everyone else is on vacation from being online, because I've not had a lot of people around the blog. So I'm going to be sticking my toes into the sand too. I'll be back in about a week, but please do comment on this caption, and perhaps the last two as well. They are so lonely without people leaving messages and caring for them!

And this caption didn't receive comments either back in July of 2019. I've redone the design slightly, by highlighting the text outline in a darker color, instead of the blended sand tone I used back then. Here's what I had to say about this caption then!

When someone changes from a 6'3" 220 pound male into a a 5'2" 120 pound woman, where does that 100 pounds of mass go? All the extra weight, muscle, bone, random cells, etc ... Usually I don't care that much .. or just whip out a word or two like "MAGIC!" or "Suspension of Disbelief! But in this case, I wanted to make an exception.

I had never made F@tinl@ce a caption before, which seemed really weird to me. I had this picture that I knew would work, due to where it was shot and the size of her bikini. Well, perhaps they are more like a children's slingshot, but that was the point I was trying to make .. He had severely under estimated what science could do. So, you want to be shorter? Well, science says you are probably going to be more of a BBW than a gymnast. That's just how it goes when you are using current technology instead of magic.

Definitely makes sense. Catch up with you after the Fourth of July. I am declaring my independence from making captions until after the fireworks go off!


  1. I simply always just plated my bones with tungsten, a nice high density metal, so I weigh the same, in less volume. Also makes me more durable. But don't try to dip me when we dance...

    1. I did not realize that I had a version of Weapon X viewing my blog regularly. Sweet! When I punched a way back in my late teens, I could have used those tungsten bones .. I just ended up breaking a few bones in my hand instead!

  2. I just have to comment that I agree with your position that "the fat has to go somewhere!" This is a marvelous caption and I really love it. I would presume that anyone reading transgender transformation captions is going to project themself into the picture and, it would be great to suddenly turn yourself into a beautiful slim female. But THIS caption I can identify with! When I dress, I'm not a skinny model, I'm a somewhat plump middle aged woman. And, that's why this captions picture speaks so clearly to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I hope you will be able to create captioned photos of a similar theme. I enjoy your work and wish you the best!

    1. So glad that you enjoy it! I do enjoy a fluffy woman from time to time, so I have some models I follow regularly. MILFS too, so do drop in on the regular to see what new creations I've whipped up. And of course, I've posted 2,300 times, so there's a good back catalog too you can hunt down using the keywords.

      And I always try to have at least a BIT of realism in the captions. I think it grounds them and can make them more relatable.

      Not sure I've seen you comment before, so WELCOME! if I haven't do so already.
