Monday, April 24, 2023

Some Mysteries Are Easier to Solve!

Huge pet peeve of mine .. is now a caption here on my blog! Maybe she should check the freezer!

Just a quickie for the night that I've just created. My daughter visited the other day and put the water pitcher back in the fridge with literally 5 drops of water in it. The sink is 4 feet away, and would have taken make 30 seconds to fill it up, but NOPE! Into the fridge it went. I should just leave it like that until the next time she visits, and when she asks for cold water .. Sorry! Someone didn't fill it up 3 weeks ago, so you will just have to suffer! But, I don't want someone else (I COULD have a sexy, female visitor come over .. I mean it does happen occasionally!) to have to suffer that indignity, and it'd probably be me that drinks from it next.

Sooooooooo, I'm looking to you, my readers, to come up with the next few caption topics for me. Mostly, I'm looking for writing prompts to move me along and perhaps tackle some new stuff with ideas that come from you mostly. Perhaps I have some images that will work with what you suggest, or a sentence you wrote jogs my brain into something that makes my creative process scream in manic delight! Feel free to comment below with some things that you'd possibly like to see here on the blog. A good example would be, "Son doesn't want to cut the grass!" or "Cheerleader wants to drink a beer but is afraid she'll gain weight and the competition is on Saturday!" No need to write out a plotline .. just something that might tickle my brain!


  1. Hmmm... roomie drinks the last of the milk and puts back the empty bottle. And the curse placed on it makes him have to replace it... from his chest. Takes a while to grow the breasts, and a mother only starts with a couple ounces a day, since a day old can eat much, so it takes a while to fill that gallon jug.... with nursing breasts you can't look male, so wardrobe change.. couple weeks to grow the breasts, couple weeks to fill the jug... a month.

  2. Hahaha, if the panties are in the fridge then they'll be for much later that night.

  3. I'll come over and help her look for the panties! Zoe

  4. Anyone want to give me a writing prompt? I'll still looking!
