Sunday, January 22, 2023

Winter in Orlando Dwarves Any Weather in New England! (10k)

As long as your on dis-knee or dat-knee .. oh yeah, I had an announcement, right? C'mon inside!

I've been feeling better, so I was able to make a caption or two, and finally catch up on posting here at Dee-lusions of Grandeur. Glad you all have followed along, even with some bigger gaps between posts.

This one just sort of crept up on me, when I saw the image. Dopey can't be too stupid if he's hanging out on her boobs, right? I tried to think about how our protagonist would end up in the situation, and just pondered for a bit, until I looked outside my window. Oh yeah. That'd do it!

And with friends living down south more, I can understand the allure, even though I'm not sure I'd like the lifestyle nearly as much as they do. I like the more liberal elements here, especially with edibles being legal, and access to faster internet from what I've seen. I also happen to REALLY like my job, and my daughter lives in the same city as me, which is very convenient.

What I don't like are the much higher cost of living, rents and mortgages being through the roof, and the weather.

But if I was, say 19 or 20, I'm not sure there would be that much keeping me here, especially if I could just find one of those work-from-home situations online that weren't around 20 years ago.

And so, with a few small inducements, he moved to Orlando to be with his former sweetie, who apparently brought out the best in him, but moved away to attend college. It's such a sweet love story, they should make a hallmark movie about it, right? I'd watch!

Of course, once I started, I knew I had to get all the dwarves into the caption. I like to think that the pollen he inhaled made his chest bloom .. but perhaps he was just being sly with his sister. 

And so the announcement .. I would like to thank everyone that has ever visited and left a comment. Back a few weeks ago, right around Christmas, we hit 10,000 (aka 10k) comments .. and I'm righteously proud of that. I miss lots of former visitors that have passed away, or found their loves that took them away from our community .. but I also cherish when new people say hi, ask questions, comment on the captions and let themselves be known. And of course, the lifeblood of this safe space .. all my regulars. My blessings to you on your continued support for my works and my life story, as it unfolds. Many downs, but also many good things have happened here .. and we've ridden them all out together. We're on our way to 20k, amirite?

Here's a Canadian band that, weirdly enough, I discovered whilst I was down in Florida back in the 90's, visiting my grandparents after they had retired. Found the cassette in a great used record store for a buck. Kind of like a hair metal version of Rush, which I don't think is a bad thing. I know I've recommended them before, which always makes Sally Bend happy!


  1. You couldn't pay me enough to move to Flori-Duh! Between all the churches, Klan and republicants, I have no idea why anyone would want to live there. Don't get me started on the heat and humidity.

    1. I would definitely not go down that far south. I am not sure I'm made for south of North Carolina, to be honest! LOL

  2. He is definitely blossoming with all of the fresh air.

    1. Is fresh air all it takes? I better move to the woods then!

  3. Was it the pollen, a secret going away gift from the doctor or something else that transformed him into that sweet thing in the picture? Zoe

    1. I bet you could make a case for all of those options, or perhaps all three as well!

  4. Love the caption. Sweet pic.
    How about SoCal though. I believe similar warm climate, less humid, liberal, unfortunately expensive housing.

    1. If I was rich, I'd probably move out to San Diego or something like that, and live there in the winter. I still appreciate New England from September through to Christmas. It's only really end of January - early April that is messy / cold.

  5. Yes, you've made a Canadian girl very happy - although now I'll have to dig out my cassette tapes because Spotify doesn't have their first 2 albums. Oh, and not like I need any further prodding, but looking out my window at the cold and snow makes me EXTRA happy to accept that new job!

    1. I love to keep Canadian girls happy. It's where my relatives came from!

      I am guessing that their first 2 albums probably came out on independent labels, and it's hard to find ownership claims, plus they'd probably have to be remixed / remastered to sound good on streaming services.

      And I'm glad that you are dropping in more often. That way I can keep an eye on you, you hoser!

  6. Isn’t Kinky the 8th dwarf?
