Saturday, December 10, 2022

"Change for the Better," to Coin a Term!

I swear that this caption is for more people than just numismatists, I promise!

This caption is the work of me just deciding, "I'm going to make a caption right now!" without having any image in mind, nor an idea in my head. I figured I'd go back in the photo archives, and I just ended up clicking around 2015 images, and started wandering around .. but I wanted to choose a picture that wasn't more than 20 away from where I initially clicked. I saw this one, and thought it could work, when I had the initial idea of ..

"Hmmm, guy is on his way to a job interview and wishes that he was dressed more appropriately for whatever position is being offered." Seemed simple enough, right?

So I placed the image in a caption setting after cropping it so the model was much closer and zoomed in, and got to work .. pun originally unintended! And I made it through the 1st three paragraphs, I thought, I think she spotted another coin, and wrote out the paragraph, still not really knowing how I was going to wrap things up, other than the 2nd wish probably was more to be walking better in heels, which would make her even more presentable. At that point, I was getting closer to the end of space for the caption, and I really hadn't found a way to end it at all, and definitely not wrapped up in a bow like I try to do.

So then the "rule of 3" for comedy, or storytelling in general, came to me, as I thought, "I've just GOT to have another coin show up, don't I?" which I thought would be amusing to say the least. But what justification would I have for the nature of not only having coins scattered along the walkway, but them all giving wishes?!? Then I had my EUREKA! moment, which would enlighten both me, the protagonist AND the readers of this caption, all at the same time. 

I never set up what the actual employment was .. that was the key. Of course, there are going to be samples around where the product is made. How many times have you been to a chocolate factory, to a brewery or winery, and tried some of their wares? Bingo! Now time to wrap it all up into that bow I wanted .. and which makes it a coherent caption, and one that you'd think I had all along!

But nope, I wrote it on the fly. While it's not the best caption by far, I am still glad that I did this exercise, and tried to expand my creative chops. What did you, my dear readers, think of the caption? Please comment below .. plus I will ask the same question I had in the last post:

My question to you, the viewers out there, would you prefer I post one per day for however many days I have captions? or would you prefer my "regular" posting schedule of every other day? I don't necessarily have a preference, and often I spend an afternoon writing all of the holiday captions up around the same time so I will never fall behind when it comes to having something new here. Please let me know in the comments!


  1. Holiday frequency? I'd say assess how many you have. Make sure we have one every other day minimum, but toss in bonuses in between so that all the Christmas themed ones are done by Christmas Day. No leftovers! and no trying for every day and then leaving us with a gap of 4 or 5 days.

    And remember if you are hanging a stocking, Queen sized pantyhose hold more....

    1. I think doing something close to that might be my best option. I will start writing up the posts tonight, and then if I make any more Xmas captions, I can also slide them into the rotation.

  2. I agree with Fiona even though I would enjoy reading one daily. Zoe

    1. I am going to wing it at the moment, and see if I can make some more. I definitely plan on posting for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, even though it might not directly fall on those days. Often I post something on the night before, around 9 PM, and list it as being released on the next morning.

  3. On the cap. a fun short tale.
    Don't feel presurized to post over the holidays.

    1. Thanks Aidan. I have written up blog posts for all the Xmas captions I have so far, so it's not an issue either way. As of right now, they'd start on December 20th or there about if I went one per day until Christmas, once I started posting them.

  4. I like the "Twisted Wish Mint" concept. You could have quality control employees needing to test them, explain how they define "Twisted" how they get into circulation and why/how the company started. There's a lot you can do with this idea and I hope to see it used moving forward.

    1. I really hadn't thought about it that much, but perhaps I'll ponder it a bit more after the holidays.
