Wednesday, October 27, 2021

She's My Best Friend. God, I Hate Her.

Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Bullshit Has A Body Count. How very!

Well, I found this picture and thought it'd make a good Halloween caption. I mean, we are only a few days away from one of my favorite holidays of the year. But, like the caption that I DID make for Halloween, it's mostly quotes from some of my all-time best movie picks.

In this case, the 80's classic (I realized that I said 90's in the caption, but perhaps the kids in the story wouldn't KNOW that!) HEATHERS. It's just so damn quotable, and probably couldn't be made today, in a post Columbine world. I remember working at a Blockbuster in the 90's, and every weekend, a group of teens would rent the movie .. and it made me wonder which clique they were in and how they would relate to the characters. I was in that weird realm of being in a bunch, but not identifying with any of them, as I was on sports teams, but not a jock. Played instruments, but wasn't a band person. Took computer science and calculus, but wasn't a geek. Wore a leather jacket and listened to punk and metal, but wasn't a "burn out". As far as Breakfast Club, I was everyone BUT the princess. Of course, now I'd LOVE to be the princess, but that wasn't me at the time. Which clique were YOU part of in High School?

SO yeah, this doesn't really GO any where, does it? Well, other than raising morals of things like, "is 'repurposing' a life better than taking a life?" I mean, she doesn't kill their souls, but she does kill their former identities.  That was where I was going at the end of the caption. The whole Craft "I bind you to do no harm, to yourself or to others," comes into play with the ethics raised. I don't think this caption is that deep, but it can make you think of some of the outcomes of our TG creations.

Anyway, enjoy! There's still one 'almost body-swap' caption left for someone to claim as a starring role. Look at the last two posts to see more about it. Be back closed to Halloween. Maybe a post on Saturday night? I'll see you then!


  1. I'd tell Heather she looks like hell, but I think she just got back, or at the very least is living in her personal version of it based on the cap. I love a good pop culture cap! Great job!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it and got the references. I'm definitely not above referencing pop culture .. endlessly!

  2. High school? I was more a clack...

    1. I know quite a few people that dreaded every day of High School. Those tended to be the ones who made something of themselves afterwards. They were also the ones tormented by those who peaked in High School and started off on a slow and inevitable decline.

  3. Ah, high school. Not sure it's the same in the UK. If I were in a clique it was of people who didn't fit in cliques. I had some good friends, that's what mattered - though this was 16-18. 11-16 was more fraught.

    I need to watch Heathers don't I?

    In the meantime, Blogger keeps giving me errors when I comment!

    As to the caption, do you think maybe the boys are happier as they are and, maybe, aimed for it?

    1. High School in the US is usually ages 14-18 or so.

      If you haven't seen Heathers yet, you need to .. the movie. Heard they were making a TV show, and I can't imagine that would be any good. Heathers is a dark comedy masterpiece .. VERY dark!

      I'm betting on them being very Clueless .. 90's movie reference bingo! .. and that Heather's spell backfired somehow on her. Rule of three and all that Wiccan lore.

  4. As Joanna said, we didn't really have that kind of clique experience in the UK although that didn't stop us wanting to be one of the popular girls ;). I rewatched Heathers a few months ago and it's still great. Didn't get to see the musical though but I would love to cosplay one of the costumes.

    Fun cap, Dee. Being reborn as a mean girl sounds so much fun :)

    1. Hey Terri! Miss you but I still see you post on your blog!

      I can't imagine the musical being any better than the movie. Glad you liked the caption, and Heathers is a much better approximation of the mean girls than Mean Girls could ever hope to acheive!
