Sunday, October 7, 2018

A No Touching Policy .. Can It Truly Be Enforced?

Remember kids, when slow dancing, you must leave room for the Holy Ghost!

Well, that is what they told you in Catholic School. I say that the Holy Ghost can get his own jollies by looking at people naked .. why bother getting in between two horny young teenagers? Does He like having boobs rubbing against his chest while a boner keeps sticking into His backside? Hmmm, maybe God IS one of us, as Joan Osbourne would say! I'm not up much for the 2nd part, but boobies always feel good, no matter what time or day!

Anyway, this goes out to Alexis / Josh who was also kind enough to give his male and female names so that it could help personalize some of my Blog Exclusives. Hope the outfit isn't TOO feminine .. but would that be an actual complaint from someone who frequents this blog site? Nah!

Pretty standard caption, but I always like stories where someone sets the parameters of a bet or a favor, and the antagonist finds ways around those guidelines. Not quite so much of a trickster quotient, but finding loopholes to get them to do something they might not do otherwise. I could also have had Josh request that she'd not get him a long wig, or stop her from perming his long hair or something .."promise me I won't have any hair past my ears!" but I have done that in the past too.

Wait a minute? I have Monday off from work? AWESOME! Something about indigenous people's day! So genocidal Columbus wipes out a bunch of natives and they decide to rename the holiday after the people who are now since long dead and their culture wiped out? HOO boy! That'll teach a guy who died like 500+ years ago a lesson, and a comfort to any ancestors that might have survived! I know, sarcastic Dee being sarcastic, but a day off is a day off. MY GF is off as well, so that probably means we'll go out to brunch and then Christmas shopping .. we like to get it done early!

Will I post again on Monday night? I haven't a clue. Perhaps if some more people want to offer up their names for a caption, both male and female, plus maybe a few things they really like in TG. I have a TG AR caption just ready for someone to fill the role! Or maybe something else down the line would fit you .. so just surrender Dorothy .. if that is your female name, or even if it's NOT!


  1. Love the dress!!! I haven't heard "Leave room for the Holy Ghost" in ages!!! And I always liked the Holy Ghost better than the latter day Holy Spirit....I always thought church was kind of spooky and the Holy Ghost fit in perfectly!!!

    1. I love the dress too. Seems out of the past. That style, and the gloves, are how I came up with the concept of 'I don't want to have to touch a boy!' well, with a skirt that far out, and gloves up to you arm pits, you probably won't have any skin on skin contact.

      I have friends who were Catholic as well, so I do get to hear that fairly often, but mostly as an ironic saying. MST3k used to quip saying that occasionally during an old educational film short showing 40 year old 'teenagers' at a dance.

  2. Well, Dee, you can take the day off for Canadian Thanksgiving! That's today! Not for the man who got more lost than anyone else before or since... ran into 2 continents and didn't even realize it..... why is it so many men will not ask for directions?

    1. Gr8 point about directions.

      So yes, I can celebrate Canadian Turkey Day! Or is it Canadian Bacon Day? I'm feeling quite the ham right now! I think I'm probably half French-Canadian .. should probably look up my ancestors!

  3. First off thanks Dee for including me. That dress is gorgeous. This is a pretty big step for Josh. Outfits don't get much more feminine than that one. My real question is whether Alexis is here to stay .

    1. Well, I hope Alexis is here to stay! All us girls knew ahead of time this was going to happen, and we aren't going to let Alexis vanish any time soon! Josh on the other hand, hmmm, what ever happened to him? LOL

  4. Oh. My. Gosh.

    I just have to echo what a bunch of other folks have said by fawning over how gorgeous that dress is. Obviously, the crinoline petticoat is a huge selling point for me personally, but the white dress just seems like it'd be so much fun to wear. I think it's a combination of how wide the skirt is coupled with how tightly the bodice fits the model. Of course, that's not saying anything about the elbow-length gloves and wide belt that accompany the outfit.

    It's just really a great look. Wonderful choice!

    --Deelighted Anonymous User

    1. Thank you as well, my anonymous user!

      Too bad you don't have a male / female name posted .. I'm sure there have to be some more outfits like that floating around my hard drive somewhere, or how Alexis is going to be in a few years .. looking like a 50's housewife!

    2. You're certainly welcome!

      I mean, I suppose I could provide you a pair of names if that would pique your interest. I certainly wouldn't say no to showing up in a caption involving hypnosis, slow change or chastity. To be fair, I'd probably be flattered regardless of the caption!

      --Deelighted Anonymous User

    3. Totally up to you. I'm sure there is a reason why you are "anonymous"!!

    4. Oh what the hell, I'd be honored if you wanted to use the names "Grant" and "Tiffany" (or "Tiff" for short) in a caption.

      As for my anonymity, I don't think there's really a good reason. I never thought I'd have a reason to leave a comment, to be honest, but some of your work is just so compelling I couldn't resist.

      What do you think, Dee? Should I make an account? (What kind of account are we even talking about here, anyway...)

      --Deelighted Anonymous User

    5. Well, once you get your feet wet, they'll want to be in heels all the time! I am going to put you down in my tiny database for people to use in blog exclusive captions, which I seem to be making more of recently.

      And also, THANK YOU for finding my work irresistible enough that you'd want to comment. It shouldn't be too hard to sign up as Blogger is part of Google / Gmail. If you don't have an alternate Gmail account as your female persona, you should create one so you can still be relatively anonymous. Then be signed in when you comment .. it should give you the option to reply as whomever your email account says you are.

      Any other questions, feel free to ask as everyone is pretty sweet here, so if couldn't answer it, someone else would be able to do so.

    6. Hahaha, I wish I could credit you with wanting to be dressed up all the time. It would certainly fit with the prevailing theme of your captions; unfortunately, I got into dressing several years before I ever saw your captions.

      That said, I have been lurking for *quite* some time.

      --Deelighted Anonymous User

      PS. It would almost be too fitting to set up an account on National Coming Out Day, don't you think?

    7. I would figure as much. By the time someone finds me on the interwebz, they are usually into the scene past their garter belts!

      I didn't realize that today was coming out day, or I might have made a caption for it. Instead, check out my next caption which should be posted tonight. I hope you'll find it interesting.

    8. Ooooh, don't let being late to the party stop you from participating. I'd be excited to see what you could whip up with that sort of starting point!

      --Deelighted (Formerly) Anonymous User

  5. Dee:

    That picture alone made coming to your site today more than worth it. That the story you added around it was terrific, served to make this a master stroke with your economy of words.

