Sunday, January 24, 2016

How Are Those New Year's Resolutions Working Out For You?

Still doing good? Way to go! But what if you ended up with someone else's promises to keep?

This was made for Avalon69, who among other things, wouldn't mind being transformed into a slag, tart, or a chav .. as the British would say. With this caption, I would say she is at least half way there now! I liked the idea of getting people's resolutions mixed up and still following through on them, even if it is magically done, the way I set it up here.

Are they officially compulsions, since you are doing something that should be done by another person? I am really not too sure, though I guess I will tag this caption as such. I would definitely think it would be mind control.

Hope everyone is safe, warm, and has plenty of heat, food and drink. We got hit harder than we were supposed to, but still worked out to a manageable 6-10 inches of snow on a Saturday, which everyone in New England is pretty old hat about, since we had 154 or so last year. I know the further south you go, the more dangerous it gets as people have no clue how to drive with snow and ice, so do take it easy if you are in the mid-atlantic region down to the Carolinas.

I am writing this up early as the Pats play (and are currently losing at half-time) and then will watch the Panthers/Cardinals game .. then the Royal Rumble, so it'll be a busy night here. Hard to believe there will be only one week left of NFL football after this .. until September. What am I going to do on my Sundays until then? Maybe take up a hobby or something?


  1. Well someone is going to be in a bad mood come Monday. Some poor slob is really gonna get it in the next caption. By the way I think Ian is a Bronco's fan.Bet he's a happy camper.

    1. Ha ha ha! Trying to get Ian in trouble? I know he gets into enough on his own.

      The caption you left for me in my trading folder helped me ease my sorrow. And it is isn't like the Patriots haven't won a Super Bowl lately .. hey, they won it LAST YEAR! WOO!

  2. Really enjoyed this one Dee.. Very clever idea. Original and fun.

    xoxoxo Katie
