Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Its drafty in the office .. for Kyra!

Can you get me a bottomless cup of coffee Kyra?

Made this as a return for a snow day caption that Kyra made for me a few weeks ago. She hasn't done many captions lately, but she still pops onto many TG blogs and comments on what we do, which is really important .. feedback is essential to keep us motivated and striving to make better captions that people would like to see.

For some reason, the picture just gave a "Keith as a 30 year old middle management turned into a shemale" vibe. I can't explain it, but just the look, the pose, the facial expression summed it up nicely, and I hope the story tied the bow on the box of TG goodness. It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but I still think it does the job as succinctly as possible. I think there is some sort of hypnosis or mind control going on, but I'm not quite sure how much. Perhaps someone else can tell us what happened to lead up to this moment?


  1. Great cap Dee, very sexy and clever. I just can't remember where I left that damn Jenkins file..

    xoxoxo Katie

  2. I've just commented on the Haven, but let me say thank you again Dee! I love the open endedness (or should that be startedness?) of this caption. Just a general gist of how we got her to let the reader fill in their own details. I'm also excited to hear how other people think I've gotten myself into this mess ^_^

  3. Great caption, but somehow I don't believe hypnosis is necessary to make Keith become Kyra. It might however be necessary to restrain her;-)
