Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Sexiest Corpus Juris!

First caption made in 2024! Being doing this blog since 2010! WOWZER!

So we are just barreling into the New Year aren't we? I guess so, as there is only a few more months to go until I am good with writing, or typing, 2024 without having to think about it. Seems like I've been writing 2023 forever!

I was trying to think of a good start to the blog year, and decided to just hit the interwebz and see what was out there for images, and this one went past my peepers, and the plot started to form in my mind, so I snagged it, placed it into a caption setting and got to work.

The initial idea was that the judge was questioning the lawyer as to why she wasn't pressing too hard for damages, and I went with that. When I got to her rebuttal, I figured that there had to be at least a FEW of the plaintiffs that didn't like being women, so I wrote that into her response .. and of course used the word BALLS because .. it's fun to say!

Please do not use me as a source for legal issues. Other than watching a bunch of Law and Order throughout the years, I have no training in any capacity as an attorney or barristers or what-have-you. Any correct interpretations of the law or the terminology is strictly by chance!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, Corpus Juris means "Body of Law" .. and ummm, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Also, who wouldn't want to look like Mona Lisa Vito in My Cousin Vinny?


  1. Your blog is old enough to start GCSEs in the UK (for all that that is worth). There you go, an attempt to recognise the gravitas of your pro bono work. (Why, yes, I *am* attempting to use legal Latin).

    1. Thanks! Pro boner! Glad you still come around now and again!

  2. Great caption to start the new year! How unusual to see a lawyer who is not asking for the world! (wish this was the start of some ethical legal changes) Zoe

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! Watching A Few Good Men a couple times seems to have paid off!
