Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Famous.. or Infamous? Which Would YOU Rather Be?

This is one of those where you read the caption and go .. Yeah, Dee. That's kind of disgusting!

I wanted to make a caption, and went trolling around my saved directories, thinking that perhaps I'd like to go the opposite route of a caption I made a week and a half ago. This time, instead of using an explicit image and a basic R rated plot, I'd take a relatively tame image, and make a raunchy story with it.

I was having a slow time of it, as nothing called out to me until I saw this picture. I honestly have no idea who she is, and I'm hoping it's not someone really famous(!) heh heh .. but the background drew me in. What the hell are those things hanging off the walls? "Ohh, what if that contained cum inside? That'd be a great idea for a caption!"

And so it didn't take me long to get into a caption setting and plugging along. I figured a wish plot would be the easiest way to start it off, and the whole "famous vs infamous" phrasing came into my head. I mean, some people are famous for good reasons, like they have a marketable talent that is tops in their profession, and that is how they are known. But then there are those like a Lorena Bobbitt, whose main claim to fame, or infamy, is cutting off her hubby's penis and then throwing it out.

From there, it was a quick jaunt over to salacious and slightly squicky ending. Perhaps I might have telegraphed it slightly with her new nom de plume, but all in all, I think it's a funny and kinky caption, and one that definitely should not be taken seriously. And I love the color palette I've chosen. Nothing like a well integrated design! Also, it's not the first time I've used an image mostly for what is contained in the background. The model really doesn't have much to do with the story, other than being a vessel for the protagonist's story to come together, or is that cum together?

So do we like this caption? What would YOU have come up with if you had this image to use for a story? Let us know below!


  1. Oh my lol! I'm not sure I want to see that!

    1. Well, luckily there's no second panel to the caption .. and honestly, that sort of image is not something I want to see either! But writing about the lead up to it, that I can do!


    1. Thanks. Hmmm reading up on her IMDB, I think I will be leaving this caption up for a week or so, and then pulling down the caption from it afterwards. So anyone that wants to see it, should download it soon.

  3. Little commentary on our educational system, but I cannot say it is baseless. People think notorious is good.... or the more original meaning of diva

    1. Yeah, the proliferation of reality television seems to have multiplied it tenfold at the least as well, going back to the 90's with Maury and Jerry Springer.

  4. Oh my goodness.if that was my Kaaren her jaw would be so sore that I doubt he could even speak.
    But I’m sure he’d have a huge smile on his face.
    Fame or infamy? The difference between the two is disappearing these days.
    I enjoyed this caption Dee.
    I’m trying to decide which Kaaren would have preferred.
    I find myself unable to decide.

    Mrs K

    1. It's wild that you commented here, because when I was making it yesterday, my thought was, "Damn, Kaaren would LOVE this caption!"

      And I think Kaaren would have been ok with either, but since I think of Kaaren as the best S!ssy I know, then he'd probably be famous for his many skills!
