Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Sleepovers .. The Morning After!

We've heard of the tooth fairy and the boobie sprite .. but this is definitely something new!

Wait, you haven't head of the boobie sprite? It's when a young girl goes to bed and, the next day .. instant cleavage! I swear I saw it happen a few times in middle school.

Anyway, I had been rereading "Slumber Party Nightmare" which is a classic of TG fiction, originally written in 1995 or so. I remember seeing it on the Mellon FTP site back when I was quite young, and probably shouldn't have been on that site .. or it was on a newgroup that I also was on .. or it could have been in the transformation story archive from around that time too .. Yes, I've been around the scene forever, and remember when Bill Hart posted the ORIGINAL Spells R Us story.

A few people have reposted it, added plot points, or expanded it. Bill Hart did one in 2000 that you can still read on Fictionmania if you'd like, but I still appreciate the original the best, as it didn't sugar coat anything.

So, recently I found an old Zip drive and read what I think was the original version (even I took a crack at making it better, fixing some grammar and filling in a few plot holes .. but kept it private for my own edification) and a day or two later, I came across this photo on the interwebz, and still had the story in the back of my mind and thought, "what if it was some girls that accidentally invited young Dee to their slumber party, and how would things turn out for them all?"

And yeah, that's what I wrote up. Not just makeovers and "Scary (or Bloody) Mary" in the mirror. More like, "light as a feather, stiff(y) as a board!" Definitely fun times at brunch for everyone!

Hope your week is going well. How would you have reacted in this scenario? Would you have welcomed it, even if you didn't know right away what had happened? What do you think happens for the rest of the weekend? Do they switch back or is there something else involved with Dee's curse? Let me know in the comment section below!

Hey, little girl, I want to be your boyfriend.

Sweet little girl, I want to be your boyfriend.


  1. My week is going well. I'm traveling allot, away on vacation seeing loads and loads. I love that the girls can get to experience something from the opposite in this caption.

    1. Hope you are enjoying your vacation and that your travels are easy, and not at all frustrating. I am taking the Friday before Labor Day off so I can have a 4 day weekend. That's about it for my vacation plans the rest of the summer!

    2. Well unfortunately, my vacation has ended badly in a car wreck. I am physically not injured, thankfully. A four day labor weekend is exciting, do enjoy it please. Maybe you'll have some fun encouners to share.

  2. Those girls are hot! If I had a vagina (wish I did) I'd let either or both of them fuck me! Zoe

    1. So it wouldn't be weird if one of them pleasured you with your own tool? I definitely think that would be something odd, but probably would remember that for the rest of my life!

    2. They can pleasure me any way they want and using my own tool would surely be an experience to remember!

  3. Damn, I never knew there were stories dating back to the 90s?? That’s really cool. I need to find a way to read some foundational stuff.

    1. Fictionmania (dot) TV has stories that go back to its formation in February of 1998, and many posted during that first year got their start at other places, like people's individual Geocities sites, FTP archives, Transformation Story Mailing List, etc .. A lot of the stories were the foundations of what we see today, though many weren't that polished. Sort of like watching early Youtube videos from 2007 right after seeing stuff from a week ago.
