Friday, August 14, 2020

You Think You Know Me?

You better not be frontin' when you approach her in a bar! Don't hate the playa!

I have no idea what my tag line means up above. I needed to write SOMETHING there, and hopefully that might have drawn you into this blog post wondering what the hell was Dee talking about .. and I might as well see why she said those horrible lines!

Well, now that you've read the caption, perhaps it makes a bit more sense? Slightly more sense?

This caption is a slightly different side of the TG coin as the caption I posted the other day, "A Spot of Tea .." where I mentioned the following:

And I just love the subtle compulsions that come out as they get used to their new bodies. It's one of my favorite things to play with in the TG captioning realm. Wanting to do things, or like things, that you didn't want to do before .. and the somewhat shameful acknowledgement that it's happened, along with having going along with it reluctantly, it's just rife with possibilities and it's a turn on.

Plus, to have the wife in the same scenario makes it even better. That a woman gets to "think with their dick" now and again is a fun revelation to work with. Yes we are all human, but there are certain instances where we seem to be wired differently, or at least conditioned to act in "an appropriate manner" conducive to getting along in society. Even just subtle things like guys taking up more real estate in public. and women trying to compact the space they occupy. I think it's great that his wife is getting the whole "instant reaction / erection" seeing her spouse dressed up in her nightie. Something almost primal and natural, and not being used to having to control that instinct.

My thought, and weirdly enough I made this caption weeks ago, is that what I said the other day applies here, that perhaps the pick up artist noticed some subtle things, like maybe not walking well in heels, or body language, and then made his move. And I just love the juxtaposition of telling a very odd truth to another person you are just introducing yourself to, and seeing how it plays out. And because this is my blog, it seems to work out for both of them, in quite a meta way, almost like they KNOW they are in a Dee TG caption or something.

.. and no one has taken me up on this yet ...  We are having ourselves an "Ask Me Anything" aka AMA here all week. Got a burning question you need to have Dee answer for you, in a relatively truthful manner? Well, this is the week for you! Anything is on the table at this point, and if I don't like the question, I will just pull a feline motion and push it off the table recklessly! I'm usually pretty open, so it'd have to be something deeply personal that I wouldn't want to reveal, for me not to answer .. or worst case scenario, I will just lie my pretty sexy ass off! Please do leave questions, or comments about the caption above, down below and I will loosen up my quill and squirt virtual ink all over the place!

Let's hop to it! It's the weekend! Let's do this! Or just comment on the blog exclusive caption. That would work as well!

Totally in a Motorhead mood .. Just some good old-fashioned Rock and Roll!


  1. A guy came up to me. And said weren't you a guy which. Because I was once a girl and now I'm a guy. And I know what it's like. Maybe I can help you. And maybe help me.

  2. I didn't realize you were doing an AMA. So I will participate:
    -What have you done captioning that you are most proud of?
    -What is the aspect of it that you feel you have the hardest time solving?
    -What approach or idea of captioning needs to be done more?

    1. (1) Probably the community that I've helped to build up over the last 10+ years, both here on this blog and at the Haven. People come and go, but I'd like to think I've brought a stability to those who tend to binge/purge and vanish, only to come back as a different name. There's comfort in having someone and something safe to know that I and the Haven will always be around.

      (2) Getting more people to comment, both here and on other blogs. There's a reason why I do write ups for just about every caption I've ever made. It's to show the work and effort that creators put into what we do that the readers don't necessarily see. And it's why I am not a fan of sites that just aggregate TG captions like some sort of disposable wanking material. Most of us spend time working hard on maintaining the blogs and making the captions, and I don't think others realize how close we come many times to just giving up and doing something else .. and I realize that the both of us are much better off with responses than many of our colleagues.

      (3) I am probably too set in my ways now to figure out what the next steps are. I know I have ADHD so often, long fictional stories are not my cup of tea, and it's why I got into captioning, as I just like to setup my ideas, and let others flesh out the details behind what I've written. In that sense, I hope that more people try to do that in the future, instead of leading readers by the hand to hit all the marks they are looking to nail down .. let the ideas and characters breathe .. and perhaps not describe all the details, but let the reader inhabit the creative world on their own.

      Hope that enlightens some people! Thanks for the questions! Perhaps you should answer those questions on your own blog as well!

    2. I may do such a post, yes. I will agree that it's not always easy to "see" the person behind the caps. Your writings certainly help with that. Writing captions is stuff we enjoy doing, but it isn't as effortless as Dee makes it look. Comments keep a lot of us going -- it can be constructive criticism, but thoughtful reactions are the best thing for us :)

      It took me a while to get to the point of writing anything too long, but I'm starting to gain momentum on my fifth novella. It keeps to my themes but is also not a little bit.....dark.
