Saturday, August 8, 2020

To Boldly Go ..

Well, the future definitely showed a lot more leg than we do today in the 2020's!

It's almost like the future looks a lot like the 1960's when it comes to fashion, eh?

Made this for Lacy, who had put this in her folder of pictures she'd like to be captioned with. I too her up on that, as I was thinking about what the San Diego Comic Con, and some other big events have been doing lately, since large gatherings really can't happen (well, other than Sturgis, uggggh) as they are usually planned. Right then I knew I had my caption plot.

And the story line fit in well with Lacy's preferences, as she doesn't really want magical captions, unless they are temporary. She likes cross-dressing captions, and doesn't want to be humiliated or dominated or embarrassed. Just in general, a positive caption by the end of the story.

I can definitely understand that logic. It's not what everyone wants, but it's nice to see a happy ending now and again. For some, the nasty ending IS what they want to see, but it still can be unpleasant. So, when I write for Lacy, I will try to put in some kinky triggers once in a while, but it's always playful, and never meant to be taken seriously.

Of course, working in pop culture references is never a bad thing, especially something as universal as Star Trek. Even if you aren't into it big time, most people have a passing reference point as to what it's about and a basic understanding of what makes it a cultural landmark.

I was motivated enough to make TWO captions today. Yay me! Honestly, I have been watching people be complete assholes to each other over and over, and it's tiring to say the least. It wears me down and makes me lose faith in society at large, well at least the society I am living in here, and I think I live in a fairly liberal area. But the lunkheads always seem to shout the loudest. I think I am going to have to shut down the outside noise and just focus internally if I can, and hope that the idiots don't continue to dominate the landscape to the point where it influences the life around me.

Please stay safe everyone, and please do think about others that might not have the situation that you do. We should all be in this together!

This cover song was way better than it should have been. Oh, he's a national treasure!


  1. A lovely photo and a heartwarming story, it's only logical that I should praise it.

    1. Thanks! I tried as hard as I Khaaaaaaaannnnnnn to get it right!

  2. The future is never what we expect, we believe it will that way!

    1. I've been waiting for spray on clothing for quite awhile now. Maybe we can spray on female clothing "by mistake"!!!

  3. Replies
    1. We don't want to violate the prime directive!

  4. Great caption. I always thought the original series female uniforms were nice, perfect for a TG cap.

    1. Yes. Definitely more feminine and sexy in nature than any of the other "genderless" type uniforms.
