Sunday, April 12, 2020

A First Date .. Again. This Time With a Few Wrinkles, or Not as Many Now!

Apparently everything is going to work out just fine! You never know in these situations!

I started this caption back in November, and then it sort of fell by the wayside. Got about 3/4 done, and I am assuming I didn't know how to finish it? Or maybe it was too long winded to be texting with each other? Well, I figured I would "color" a few eggs today since I really had nothing else pressing, well, I have to hand wash a bunch of laundry, and what's the fun in THAT?

So, I added a part where "he" says, "let's stop texting. Call me." and I think that will at least give some credence to them texting and then having a conversation on the phone. I am making an educated guess that "he" is still in the bathroom, perhaps hoping the erection will calm down a bit before he can walk out in public again .. but "she" isn't letting up at all!

SO I think it's a random body swap type thing, that has a virus component as well, or MAYBE they caught it at home, but went to work and found the changes happening then? Doesn't matter, because I mostly was interested in the reunion of two people who obviously cared about each other, and had been isolated until very recently. Maybe the agency that was dealing with it decided that the best way to get them together again would be in a public place where it wouldn't be as embarrassing or weird for them to be found, plus they can see how much more training they would need to function in their new bodies socially .. would they be able to blend in well enough. The answer of course, was YES!

So I hope you enjoy tis blog exclusive that was started 5 months ago, and I finally wrapped up today. Please leave comments and let me know what you think.

And if you are interested in being a pregnant woman in a caption, leave your male and female name down below. Not sure I'll need both as I finish it up, but better safe than sorry. Can't give out any more hints about it, other than *I* will be changing you. Isn't that enough? Jeez!


  1. I love the "my gawd" haha. I could immediately hear the Jersey accent in my head. I enjoy caps like this. I struggle with over explaining my scenarios in my captions. Very lovely "in medias res" situation that leaves it up to the reader to imagine how they got here. Wonderful work Dee <3

    1. Thank you for the compliment. Many years ago now, I starting trying to write captions that didn't necessarily need questions answered .. mostly to see if it could be done. Obviously, you need some narrative, but it's amazing how little of anything you can give the reader, and not necessarily spell it out what is happening.

      I get explanations here that had no connection to the way I was feeling when I wrote something, even when I thought I was being explicit. I've learned to never get upset about that, other than it's MY fault for not giving people everything they need to know, but if they enjoyed it, who am I to say that their interpretation isn't correct?

  2. I didn't know it was a total swap at first but it's very cute. I also love the source picture and would love a crack at it. But there's something so sweet about this one from you. :)

    1. Yeah, sometimes you need a happy ending. Right now in life, I need some happy endings to keep me from going off the deep end. Did that color this caption? Most likely. Tomorrow is another day.

      Plus I thought it would be interesting to see a couple go through a more random body swap, or body adaption, and not know what happened to the other. They'd be looking through fresh eyes, and with a new perspective.

  3. I like the idea that although they both switched they obviously didn't switch with each other!!!!
    Does that mean there's a black guy wandering around wondering why he woke up as a tiny redheaded girl?
    Or a pretty brunette who woke up as a kind of pudgy middle aged guy!!!!
    I loved it Dee!!!!

    1. Definitely. Though I really didn't work out the mechanics on it all. Where I went, it was just, people "mutated" into a new body somehow, and was isolated to a certain zone, and the government put them "in quarantine" where they figured out who they used to be, and gave them new identities and taught them what they needed to be who they became.

      And I bet that pretty brunette that woke up a pudgy middle-aged guy is pretty pissed off! Hope she's got some skills that he can take advantage of, or that perhaps there is some residual memories there to work with!
