Sunday, July 8, 2018

You Really Haven't Been Paying Attention, Have You Bro?

I guess his sister heard the news way before he did! #newboobies

Made this quickie for Brittany7, and all too much nowadays, we are avoiding our family and friends, unless they are connected to social media 24/7. They could be a wealth of information, but why bother when we can find things out from complete strangers .. or disembodied soulless voices!

Anyway, there are no shoes in this one! Going to take a small break from those I think, although Vypress on the Haven made a NEW SHOES caption for me! I had some left over pictures I didn't use, so perhaps I will figure out a way to repay her by using one of the great pictures I found AFTER I had completed the six I needed for this week! Oh well. Perhaps there's a sequel coming some day!

Hope everyone is having a good summer. SO far we have had some intense, blistering heat, and a few perfect days marred with some high pollen counts. I'm digging it so far though. Can't complain too much .. because there are too many summer fans in my vicinity. I'm much more of a Autumn person.

Back in a day or two. Still looking for comments on what was the best, and worst of the NEW SHOES week that just finished on Friday night. Feel free to chat up this new caption too. How would YOU find out about a possibly gender swapping event?


  1. Vaginas for newbies. That's cute. :)

    1. I think it's always fun when you can play around with words and make them dance for you!
