Monday, November 2, 2015

Rando! The Amazing Meta-Magician!

No one can manipulate physical entities like Rando, The Amazing Meta-Magician!

How much fun is it to say "RANDO!" ?? More than you can imagine. Just say it out loud now, no matter where you are. "RANDO!" I'm guessing that his name is the whole reason why he has such an entrancing and powerful magic show. Are you going to tell him any different?

Made this for Ron (RMP) and it is dialog based. Big shock huh? Just was fun to write, and if I haven't harped on it enough, over the last few weeks I decided I wanted to have more fun writing captions. I hadn't necessarily hit a rut, but it was a grind to write something, and see it get no recognition at all.. At that point, I figured I might as well take my own advice and do things to please me as well as the recipients. Since then, captioning has become much easier again.

This is like the 3rd day in a row that I haven't posted the Halloween caption I was going to post. I think I'll do that Tuesday. Tomorrow I have to install a network in someone's house after work so I most likely won't be around to post. See you then!

DISCUSSION QUESTION: What would be the best situation for you and a date if you went to see RANDO! The Amazing Meta-Magician? What could RANDO! do to make it a experience you'd never forget .. unless you wanted to do so!?!


  1. He'd swap us, only with a change of clothing as well. She would end up as me, I'd end up as her, but I'd be collared and inexplicably horny.

    1. So you'd want to be her and wear her clothing, or be her and still be wearing YOUR clothing?

      Not sure if you will see this but do you have control in the relationship with your significant other, or would this be a switch in power too? Figured I would ask!

    2. Sorry, I wasn't particularly clear. I'd end up as her, but my new body would be in slutty clothing, with a collar and leash. She'd be me, and the power would be in her favor.

  2. Hello, Dee! Long time reader, first time commenter. I wanted to comment on one of the blogs that inspired me to start.

    What could Rando! do? Heck, a straight up sex swap would be amazing.

    1. Glad you decided to say hi! Thank you for saying I'm an inspiration for you starting to make captions. Any technical or other questions in the hows / why / etc .. in how to create captions, don't be afraid to ask.

      So are more people into body swaps that have been letting on? It doesn't seem to be a big think on Rachel's Haven so I haven't touched on it much. If there is some interest, I would certainly put them on a list of things I could make in caption format.

  3. Hey Dee! Quick question, and its ok if you don't want to answer it. Where do you find all of your pictures?

    1. There are lots of different places to go like amateur sites like Southern Charms, Tumblr blogs for whatever specific kink you'd like, and what have you. Sometimes the recipient provides the photo and asks to have the story written around it. There have been times where I even use Google if I have an idea in mind before I have a picture. I think a place like Fuskator would be high on your list if you are looking for more nude or erotic scenes or sex action sets.

      I like odd pictures that have something going on in them to tie my stories into, so I get them from many different spots, but an aggregate site like Fuskator or a themed Tumblr might be your best bet.

      One last bit of wisdom. If I find something interesting, I save it to my hard drive for later use. At this point, I have 8+ years of source pictures that I thought would be useful at some point. I have them divided into certain directories by things like hairstyle color or pantyhose or nudes. When there isn't much online, I can just hit a few of the D'archives to see if anything jingles the brain into action, likewise if I have an idea for a redhead on a bike, I know I've got at least 3 in that redhead directory. Just because you see a picture once doesn't mean you'll ever see it again.

      Lastly, try not to go use Deviant Art for source material. Both the models and photographers are pretty vigilant about how their work is used, especially with material like this. I will take down anything that was shot by or a photo of someone if they ask me to do so. I've only had it happen once, and that was a caption that someone had given me the photo to caption for them. Apparently they had gotten it from Deviant Art. Since then, I tend to stay away from any hassles. While what we are doing could probably be considered fair use / parody, why bother even going near the issue if you don't have to?

      Hope this helps!

  4. I can see why this was fun to write. It's hilarious. :D

    1. I'm a big fan of hypnosis anyway, so that was half the battle .. plus I had a Jenkins and RANDO!

      Maybe someday I'll have Rando Jenkins sitting on a bench eating a shish kabob and reading about credenzas. Then the internet would explode!
