Saturday, December 22, 2012

... If Only In My Dreams!

It can happen .. right Santa?

I know I'm a tad bit late, but I've been doing things, like playing with a new Nexus 7 I gifted myself. I had about 125 dollars in Staples Rewards I accrued so I sprung the extra money to snag one before Christmas. I LOVE IT!! WOOOO! Android Jelly Bean is SOOO smooth and it beats the stockings off my old "smart" phone which I'll still use, but ONLY for phone and text.

I hope everyone enjoys the sentiment behind the caption. Its one of my favorite traditional Christmas songs, and when I'm shopping, one of the only ones I get made when its over (the other one is whatever the hell Nat King Cole is singing, doesn't matter what!)

A great blues guitar version done by Zakk Wilde.

And a more traditional version by Perry Como.

 I was going to post a discussion question, but fuck it! Say whatever you want!

Remember .. I am offering a Links Exchange on Christmas Day, so see the post below for more info!


  1. Nice work, Dee. I've been remiss in saying so, but you are definitely one of the best TG captioners out there. As a reader, I appreciate the care you take with the text of your captions. Also, thanks for linking to my website. I hope you enjoy my own recent work. I may not update all that often, but when I do it's a bigee!

    Amanda Hawkins
