Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dirty Martinis .. Shaken Not Stirred

I realize that Groucho probably didn't say one of those quotes that was attributed to him, but as I originally posted in Petra folder ...

I am more inclined to believe that you follow the words of Dorothy Parker even more than Groucho:

I love to drink Martinis,
Two at the very most.
After three I'm under the table,
After four I'm under my host.

I am sick of being sick and/or busy with real life stuff. I thought it would die down soon, but things keep piling up. If only it was a "Honeydew" list, I could just ignore it but sadly its not. Since I didn't have time to make her a caption yesterday, I would like to publicly wish Steffie a happy birthday. At least I was able to send her a quick message so it wasn't belated.

Things on the horizon ... I created a caption that is going to be in the next Rachel's Haven eZine ... I LOVE it and I think its pretty special. I won't be able to post it here until next Spring, since we are maintaining a 6 month exclusivity. Lets just say it deals with a September anniversary and is part of a feature that "Dee-lusions of Grandeur" would definitely sponsor. Also for the RH eZine, I am answering a question from someone that wrote in to "Ask the Mistresses". I got the question a day or two ago and am thinking about the answers right now.

As far as tagging previous posts are going, I have done all of 2010 and January of 2011 ... and every post since June 30th. Hopefully people have been using them, or its going to just be a serious waste of my time. Anyone finding things they missed the first time around, or rediscovering a caption they'd forgotten about?


  1. I hear ya on the sick of being busy Dee. I'm actually looking forward to getting a 'real' job and out of school so that I have more free time!

    I haven't looked though your labels, mainly because I keep up with all of your posts as you post them. One thing though, is that I see you don't have a list of all your labels along the side. That may help people search through your labels. Especially if the label they are looking for isn't represented in the last few posts.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. I have seen those label lists on the side of others caption blogs, but I was hoping to have readers find other captions with the same theme "organically" if at all possible.

    As in, they look at this caption above, and wonder what other costume captions I have done, instead of just hitting "pregnancy" and just viewing at the 3-4 captions I've made.

    I know it probably won't necessarily BE like this for most viewers, but its how I HOPE it will be!
