My Girl Friday .. Posted on a Sunday! September 30, 2018 9 So, whatever happened to Saturday? Come inside for another blog exclusive!
Are You Trying to Seduce Me, Ms Jenkins? September 29, 2018 2 Now and again we need to submit ourselves to some wish fulfillment!
Drinking Yourself Pretty! September 26, 2018 6 Anything can, and usually does, happen in a bar. What happened here? Come inside to find out!
What Are You Doing Wearing My Clothes?!? September 24, 2018 6 Where are you Sarine Davis / Belladonna?!? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Woo woo woo!
'Terri' Was More Than Happy .. Until Dee *something something* September 22, 2018 5 Just whipped this up after rereading a funny old-time advert from the 1950's. See it inside!
I Left the Antidote Back at Home! September 20, 2018 5 A blog exclusive .. has a punishment ever been too harsh? C'mon inside and find out!
Who Said Librarians Shouldn't Be Sexy? I Think You Did! September 18, 2018 4 Don't let the picture fool you. This caption is pretty damn dark if I say so myself!
I Sound Like a Completely Ditzy umm, Ditz! September 16, 2018 2 Like Ashlee, I made the caption, and like a ditz, forgot to post it to her trading gallery!
Oh Felicia, Where Art Thou? .. and Her Reply Is .. September 14, 2018 2 a very substantial discussion topic .. and this new caption for me! Come inside please!
Step Lively, Sissy Kaaren .. You Need to Dust My Credenza! September 11, 2018 2 Well, at least I got my favorite word into the title! Let's see what mischief Kaaren can get into!
Do You Think That the Color Purple is Green With Envy? September 09, 2018 3 Yeah, that is quite the mysterious caption title, isn't it? Come inside to figure out what it means!
Nate, Tom and Damien in .. Wishes Once Repeated! September 07, 2018 8 SO, did they screw up on purpose or what? Let me know inside!
Everyone Wears Shoes at Some Point .. It's What You Do IN THEM That Matters! September 05, 2018 3 An insta-caption based on something currently in the news? Shocking, isn't it?
Caught Doing 80 in a MILF Zone! September 04, 2018 4 If you want to speed that fast, might as well accelerate your life as well!
Cheers to the QB that Used PEDs! Do I Have to Spell It Out to Y-O-U?!? September 02, 2018 6 Now that school is pretty much back in session .. here's what happened over the summer!
The Tingler! Sister's Pantyhose Edition September 01, 2018 6 Changes come often ... and sometimes it's for the better. See them both in today's caption!