Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Making Some Adjustments .. Hopefully to Your Liking!

What happens when the changes are done, and shit starts to get real? Come inside to find out!

What do I want to talk about today? I really haven't a clue. I'm sitting here at work, awaiting some files that haven't arrived yet, and I can't do anything else here until I get the files. Well, I mean, I could clean off the desk and organize a cabinet or something, but I meant, there is nothing interesting to be done here at this moment.

And I don't have any captions available to me that I could talk about. I am most likely going to post the caption you see above, that I place in this post when I am home later from the commute and any other places I may stop on the way. Oh yeah, had to pay rent today, so I rushed home as soon as I could do so. Have to do some shopping tomorrow I guess!

Made this caption for Suzanne on the Haven. It ended up tying into the last caption I made for her, entitled, "The Smell of Revenge is Quite Sweet!" which you can find RIGHT HERE! This one is much sweeter, though it has a naked lady in it. I think tt is somewhat ironic that it isn't that sexual in tone, and uses nudity as more of a "matter of fact" thing than anything else.

And I think it's a good showing of familiarity between two people, regardless of what bodies they are now inhabiting. I"m not sure if the power dynamics have shifted, or if the former wife was always in charge .. I did write it in a way that seems like their roles have changed somewhat, and the new husband is being protective to "his wife" in a traditional masculine role that I'm not sure either of them are comprehending at that moment, but I can see it between the words.

Wouldn't this be the way you'd hope that you and your spouse could handle a real-life situation like this? It'd be hard to deal (well for vanilla people, maybe not so much for us here reading this blog) and I wonder what my GF would do if she was suddenly male. Probably not much, since she's not big into feminine things at all, other than stuffed animals and funky jewelry .. and romance novels. I think she'd mostly end up a geeky, scifi type dude. What do you think would happen in your situation? Would it be much harder on your partner, or yourself? I guess it would also depend on how your sexuality and desires changed to match the body too perhaps?

That concludes the part I wrote when I got back to my apartment and got comfortable, maybe had a snack, or cooked supper. (edit: ended up making an egg, salsa and cheese burrito!) Hope you enjoyed the write up and will comment on it below. Guess it just goes to show that you can generate quite a few sentences when you don't even have a plan as to what you were going to write about. I just wrote 3 paragraphs, lickity-split!


  1. I like it, Dee! Nice to see a couple stick together despite swapping gender roles and bodies.

    About sexuality, apparently much of it is invisible, played upon us by Nature in the form of pheromones from the opposite sex, and which make for much of "attractiveness," which is surprising since we as a society place so much emphasis on makeup and outward appearance. But according to the science, those factors are secondary. Males have male pheromones (which have nothing to do with scent or cologne or bodywash!) and females have female pheromones, which are biological signals that are amazingly powerful in their effect on everything from the way we talk, to the way we flirt, to basically every part of being a man or a woman. There are quite fascinating scientific studies in biology about these phenomena. Therefore, it would seem natural for sexuality to adjust if we all suddenly found ourselves in bodies of the opposite sex, as Suzanne is finding out. ;)

    Sis, regarding what we talked about, I am doing okay. Every day is a struggle, but knowing that I can move on is a precious thing. I will do what you said, and walk on (but not strut). ^_^

    1. I definitely know about the hormones part of it all. I have had a few friends that hit a "2nd puberty" where all of a sudden, they've developed crushes on guys they never would have thought they would have.

      They've also become more "submissive" or maybe that isn't the word .. "passive" might be a better way of putting it, or maybe "less aggressive". They definitely have a different demeanor about themselves.

      And take each day, one at a time. Don't let things overwhelm you, and do reach out to others that love you, along with the others things I mentioned.

  2. Great cap Dee! I really like the ‘matter of fact’ness of it. How it just goes over a couple that have changed and isn’t all about sex or power dynamics or gender identity… it’s just “hey this thing happened and we’re going to deal with it.”

    Speaking of power dynamics, I guess there is a bit of that. I didn’t get that their dynamic changed. I got that the wife, now husband, was always more in charge and was just continuing to comfort her husband, now wife. I think it’s the quotes around “wifely” duties. Like it would have been odd for him, now her, to say it before, but he/she now gets it and wants to take that last step.

    As for what would happen to me If this occurred? Well, not having a spouse, significant other, or other companion, I guess it would be life continuing on like normal. I’d be that cool odd-looking chick but if you hammered it down to the detail level, nothing would have changed. Get up in the morning, slurp down some coffee (as I’m doing now), go to work, deal with work, come home, eat a meal, get some entertainment in, communicate with some friends, then off to bed. Nothing overtly gender specific happens on a daily basis.

    1. I think it is all very subtle. Things like "I told you we can .." . "you should be using my old vibrator .." and "I can wait for you .." implying she's much more comfortable and as a guy, always ready for sex. It's more aggressive and matter-of-fact and assertive.

      And it works both ways. Now Suzanne is seeing sex as an intimate thing, not getting his rocks off and sex for the sake of just pleasure. It's the other side, and perhaps he wasn't as big on giving her pleasure at the time, but feeling that THAT is what she should be doing now. I wonder if she'll feel jealous of him looking at porn, something that maybe she didn't want him doing when the roles were reversed.

      And yes, you don't have a spouse, but you do have some family to deal with AND I wonder what the dynamics would be at your job, where there is some intimidation, machismo, and some other things that might come into play if you came in there all of a sudden as a 5'2" female.

  3. Sometimes those captions are the best <3
    I enjoy just grabbing a picture from my hard drive and giving myself fifteen minutes at the most to come up with a fun story. It has been a fun creative challenge so far. I've found overthinking a caption seldom ends well.

    1. Those can be fun. On the Haven, there are times where I will just look at photos that people post in their folder to use, and see what I can come up with. And some of the best DIY Challenges here in the past have involved photos that you think would be hard, but people came up with some great captions! You should check out this post that I am referring to here:

