Wednesday, July 17, 2024

BBQ Time .. Grill Time .. or Girl Time?

Why can't it be both? Come on inside .. we've got air conditioning!

We got ourselves a cute little quickie, just in time for the summertime BBQ season. And look at the ribs on her, am I right? Zing!

The image was so weird and wacky, I knew I had to make something out of it, and I went with it. I know quite a few families where the men literally did no cooking at all, other than the 4th of July, and that one weekend each summer where everyone came over .. and then it was, "Manly men marinating monstrous meat" for the entire event. Well, the ladies made all the side dishes, set everything else, but it was all about grilling and charring animal flesh!

So I figured with the model looking "like a boss!" then that is exactly who she is! Not sure that her ensemble is going to be worn by any of the masculine types at a cookout, but maybe they should!

1 comment:

  1. there and I thought she looked like the kind of girl who relished a big hot sausage...
