Tuesday, December 19, 2023

I Believe in Father Christmas .. and Some Bonus Captions

They sold me a dream of Christmas, They sold me a .. Silent Night.

First caption of the Christmas season here on the blog, as we are starting it off fairly slowly. If I'm being honest, and I usually am pretty brutally honest here .. the last few weeks of November absolutely sucked ass. I was looking at the blog and how I usually take care of the Holiday week or two before December 25th, and wondered how many captions I could make, and if they'd even be any good. 

I do go through this every year to an extent, and still end up making at least a few .. 8 Xmas captions in 2022, 15(!) in 2021, and 11 in 2020 (nothing else to due during a pandemic and the year my forever person died) and 6 in 2019, and 7 in 2018.

So, since November 2019, I've planned on making at least 2 Xmas captions for that year, one for Christmas Eve and one for Christmas Day. That way, I've got SOMETHING at least to post. Plus I usually take part in the Haven's Advent Calendar of Christmas Captions, so it's good to have some backup captions in place.

So, usually I make one of the 1st captions of the Xmas season be influenced by a Holiday song .. whether by referencing it or directly using the lyrics. One example of that is the above caption, posted in 2019. That style is what I went with here in today's caption .. once I saw the image. This is going to be my Katie Mills caption .. which I tend to do most years .. and the model definitely has the nyloned legs that she would love to be dressed up in.

I think it ends up being more of a "read between the lines" caption that implies more than it tells directly. The rest of the captions for this round of 2023 Xmas captions will be more "normal" narrative based .. with one quoting lyrics, but tying the story in with the words to define the caption properly. All told, as of my writing this post up 2 weeks ahead of time .. I've got SEVEN captions total to post, which was way more than I thought I could come up with. Maybe I needed to get into the Christmas spirit once again .. or maybe life isn't quite sucking as bad as it did in November!

Well, I guess if I reference an entire song in a caption, I should at least post a video, right?


  1. Great caption and really sums it up for most of us! Zoe

    1. Thanks Sweetie! I'll be posting one per night through Christmas Eve/Day.

  2. Definitely a great caption of our thoughts. Happy Christmas.

    1. Lots more where that came from! Thanks for your comments, as they definitely keep me interested in continuing the blog!
