Sunday, February 12, 2023

Completely Traditional Wedding Rituals

You ever get the feeling that being Dom or Sub is strictly a thing passed down through families?

Now that you've got the image of your dad crawling around on his knees in fluffy kitten heels and petticoats, worshiping your mother's rhumba-pantied ass before she spanks him .. have you given thought as to how your kinks and fetishes developed? Was it something that just ended up making sense at some point as to what you really liked, or was some of it ingrained upon us by our experiences with our families and their close friends?

I do occasionally, though I've not quite done a deep dive. Honestly, I am still trying to process much of how I function the way I do, so I don't necessarily want to take detours .. I already have enough issues with scattershot focus in my life.

But I do have a good idea how I was turned out to hosiery. My mom was quite short, and due to the nature of her job, and that stature, wore heels and pantyhose 80 percent of the time when I was in my formative years. It was a huge asset to her in that she was literally ALL LEG, and I can't tell you how many times I saw her just overwhelm guys with her combination of style, looks, and tenacity, guys that were 15 inches taller and double her weight (she was maybe 105 pounds or less for my entire life) and she'd just make them wilt.

And that, plus my dad almost worshiped her, to be honest. It's funny that I never quite went his route, but followed her path to a large extent. I was not really into working in the trades as a brute, smelly dude. I learned computers and programming, and could run their offices, just like she did in her job, and when she did all his finances after he struck out on his own. I mean, I know HOW to do much of their tasks, but I definitely don't want to beat up my body the way my father did.

Like her, I'm much more controlling too. I like having an equal partner, but unless it's something specific to their expertise, we tend to come to an agreement that is usually more in line with my way of thinking, or a compromise that works the best after discussions. Same in bed as well. I'd love a woman to take the lead, but usually it's me in a more dominant position, probably because subs are more drawn to me in relationships, I guess? Self-discovery is hard, dammit!

Soooooo, please do talk about this discussion AND the caption as well. Did you see the reveal coming? Where and when did you develop your kinks and fetishes? I definitely want to read some good stuff in the comments. And hey, perhaps it will trigger some new captions in my brain!

What a great song, with great musicians. Have a feeling that Muse had been inspired by these guys!


  1. I did not see it coming! I thought Dee's G-I-G was groom-in-gown. But I remember a salon one with the ex being a reluctant bridesmaid that I (at your request) added onto

    1. Glad you didn't catch on until the end! I was leaning into the fact that the lady in the back had a short hair cut, was somewhat buff and wearing a strapless gown .. and that Mentia women seemed to have a type, and a propensity to control their husbands, possibly already had sissified them, and especially if they cheated or did anything untoward. I can imagine that having your ex-hubby serve as a feminized maid of honor would definitely make your future spouse a bit wary of getting on your bad side!

    2. I note you said Maid of Honor, not matron - you've moved on, you should see that your ex does too - maybe pair them up with someone you deem appropriate? Don't take no for an answer.... no maidenly modesty! Get them a date, or better yet, a new spouse!

  2. I hope she continues to trade up.

    1. Maybe I'll have an entire bridal party of ex-husbands by my sixth wedding! Then I'll be considered an honorary Gabor sister!

    2. ,,,or a country singer...... (I mean, the singer of "Stand by Your Man" was married 5 times... )

  3. I don't know that there's any one event that defines us, but there was one woman who absolutely inspired and aroused me when I was young. I was washing dishes in this greasy spoon diner that my mother worked at, and there was one waitress who just outclassed everyone else. In a sea of frumpy women, she stood out as . . . well, not slutty, but confident and provocative. Tight pants, heels, low cut blouses, bright jewelry, and makeup that made me want to know how it was done.

    The other waitresses looked down on her because she also waited tables at the local strip club, and had boyfriends who took her on Caribbean vacations, but I knew 1000% I'd rather be like her than my mom or any of her jealous, petty coworkers. It also helped that she was kind to me, when the others were dismissive of 'the kid' in the back, proving her beauty wasn't just skin deep.

    1. Wow, that's awesome!

      Did you ever wonder if she was taking a shine to you because you were nice to her as well? Or that you showed potential for what you were to become even back then? I bet she'd have been a great mentor to "Sally" in learning the ropes. Hell, she might have even tied you up in those ropes!
