Sunday, February 5, 2023

A Hooter's Grand Prize .. or a Boobie Prize?!? What Shall It Be?

I honestly think that losing this contest might be the right call overall .. your results may vary!

Have been on a bit of a Hooter's girl kick lately, as I have another one or two in the pipeline. This one gave me what I thought would be a cute idea for the caption, and I had Keaparrot in mind to receive it.

I think I've mentioned before that writing "bimbo" captions can be a lot of fun, and this was too .. though I modified it slightly, to intensify the bimbo tendencies. Originally I had the host ask for the make and model, and have her say, "it's a green one!" .. but I was thinking to myself, I think that doesn't work that well. A bimbo would take whatever he said much more literally. So, being asked, "name this car!" Emma would obviously give the car an cute name, right?

There you have it. I'm much happier with this caption than the last one I made, so I've got THAT going for me.

However, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but blogger is asking people to sign in to view my captions, because I have adult content here. My hit count has taken a pretty big dive, at least 25 percent fewer views. I'm honestly wondering what I should do. I really don't want to start a blog somewhere else, and if I post to DeviantArt or some other place like that, most of my viewers would also have to belong .. and search me out.

I'm a known entity here, and don't really wish to start over again. Making my own webpage with it's own domain also has issues of security for myself, and also, it would probably cost more to find a web host that doesn't mind explicit pictures being posted on their servers.

Please do talk about the caption, but also, perhaps mention other ways you access adult content online. I think the easiest thing would be to just have a gmail burner account, though I know that g00gle really wants people to tie any new accounts to a cell phone #, which isn't an ideal situation either.

Hopefully we can work through all of this together, my loyal readers.


  1. Love her response! Actually, it makes some sense, especially if it was on St. Patrick's Day! And, if she doesn't get it right, which she won't, she still wins by keeping this wonderful body! Zoe

    1. And a Hooter's franchise too, though I'm not sure how well she'd be able to run it with an answer like that!

  2. I knew the answer before the hint in the musical accompaniment. Torn between giving the correct answer and the incorrect answer. She will make enough money to buy her own anyway. So right answer.

  3. I'm not on deviantart so I'd like to stay here. Maybe the 25pc will return in time.

    1. I belong as a free member of DA. I'd still like to have just ONE place for all my captions, but G00gle just chopping off 30-40 percent of my viewers .. with the chance that there will be more people left behind when they drop the next foot is not something I am going to take lightly.

    2. I totally understand am too super duper annoyed with g00gl3. Unfortunately lots of blogs I follow there are now throttled in the same way as yours. If DA is the route to freedom then worth considering.

  4. I've never been a car person, so I feel total solidarity with Lucky Charms. :)

    I had somebody point out the sign-in issue the other day. It sucks. I've considered moving to WordPress, but it's a big job to copy everything over, and when I tried that with my old book review blog it never got close to the same traffic. I don't know what my solution will be, but I'll stick it out for now and see how it goes.

    1. There are some possible work-arounds, like getting a burner G00GIE account, which I might post here, but if the visitors can't get to read the post, then it doesn't help anyone anyway!

      For page views .. here's how it's gone .. Jan 25 - Divorce Caption - 3285 views .. Jan 29 - Schoolgirl Caption - 2018 .. Feb 1 - Ugly Boots Caption - 1913 .. Feb 5 - Hooters Caption - 1454.

      Now I could argue that the ugly boots caption wasn't my finest caption, but a drop of over 55 percent between the MILF caption and a Hooters girl caption? I'm not buying that my audience tuned out a caption like that!
