Monday, January 2, 2023

New Year, New Life .. New Caption?!?

Wouldn't you know it? I made this caption in 2023!

I wanted to make something new for this year, and if I could tie in January 2023 into it, all the more better!

And yes, it's not going to set the world on fire (ha!) with creativity, but just look at that body? Mmmmm, you could be as lame humor wise as you could be if I was able to get a spin with that body for a revolution around the the sun or two.

The story pretty much came to me with the model wearing a sweater, and standing next to an unlit gas fireplace .. and I couldn't figure out where she'd be able to turn it on .. and my brain took it from there. Well, duh!

So, I hope that everyone got through the holidays safe and sound, and that your 2022 ended on the best possible note. I've been trying to push myself on an upward path for the next twelve months by starting to really getting into meditation, as I'm wound very tightly, so to speak. I'm also going to make my way through the apartment from one end to the other, and declutter myself as much as possible.

I don't make resolutions in general, but perhaps I can call what I want to do "a blueprint" for success? What things would you like to do this year, and/or goals .. and how do you plan on going about achieving them?


  1. I love her thinking!
    And a great response to her New Year resolution too! Getting all she asked for including this great body is a wonderful way to start the year!
    Best to you too Dee! Zoe

    1. Thanks Zoe! Did you have any New Year's resolutions?

  2. Gorgeous. I can resonate with the wish. She got exactly what was asked for and absolutely love the punchline.
    Enjoyed the musical accompaniment too.
    There's lots of goals in my life I know I should get to, but where to start is a difficulty and I am sure its not only me.

    1. Yeah, I can hear you on that. I started using a meditation app on my phone. Hoping it will help me bring down my anxiety and stress levels. I am also trying to get myself some better self-care going forward. I really don't take care of myself that much. I need to be better at that so I'll be available to my loved ones when they need me.

    2. And my thought to you would be, pick one .. any of them! You can't start until you take a step r two in the right direction!

  3. Sounds like the perfect New Year's wish to me, and I love the cheesy humor. When you look like that, you can afford to make people laugh, knowing that they're drooling the moment your backside is turned. ;)

    1. If it's not confirmed in the caption, I usually blame imps, because there isn't enough imp awareness in the world anymore. They love to have fun, enjoy irony, and have all the skills of other magical beings. Poor bastards get no press!
